New Affiliate! Windows Media!

I found a new AAR affiliate that uses Windows Media – WKIZ Radio

The direct link is

This is huge. The sound quality isn’t that good, but this means that I’m no longer dependent on the KPOJ stream, and also it means that I can listen to Randi Rhodes in the afternoon, whose show KPOJ doesn’t carry.

With the link set to “classic Windows media” and minimized to play in the task bar, I can now flip back and forth between talky-talk radio and KUNC’ss eclectic music. Yay!

Recaplet For “Sphinxters At Large”

Saving Miss Alli’s recaplet for posterity:

After universally unfortunate use of the word “choo-choo” on the way to The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the teams learn that it’s time to go to Egypt, yet another interesting new country that it seems like they would have gotten to before now, but haven’t.

Colin and Christie kick the crap out of the airport strategy and stake themselves to a multiple-hour lead getting into Cairo. Once there, they decide to take the Fast Forward while it’s there for the taking, and they wind up getting to the pit stop while everyone else is still a twinkle in King Tut’s eye.

The rest of the teams, led by a crafty (but still obnoxious) Mirna and Charla, spend a little time exploring the pyramids, both underground and at the surface. They take the opportunity to display their map-reading and puzzle-solving skills (or lack thereof), and even get a chance to haul rocks like the pyramid builders did.

Chip shows surprising generosity to Brandon and Nicole and even the undeserving Twinkies, Marshall’s knees scream with pain, Linda twists her ankle, and ultimately, the Moms land on the mat last.

Fortunately for them, the leg is non-elimination. Unfortunately for them, it is not without consequences — namely, the loss of all their existing money and the denial of any new money at the beginning of the next leg. How will poverty affect the next leg? We’ll just have to see.

One thing is for sure — running the teams around the pyramids and putting the mat within spitting distance of the Sphinx are moves that make for some of the most impressive shots the show has ever had. It’s a pretty, pretty trek, even if it does seem like they’re racking up an awful lot of airplane time.

Man, I Loved. This. Episode. Apparently a lot of other people did too, because there’ve been approximately 35-40 items in my TAR feed search with Bloglines today – usually it’s maybe 3 or 4 of a Wednesday, with more trickling in as the week goes on. Apprently the cousins are making a big splash, and there’s all kinds of media attention. It’s a wonderful thing when a deserving show gets this kind of notice: proof that not all TV is crrrrap.

As I thought, it was a non-elimination round. Also as I thought, Lufthansa hogged all the flights, but someone might be able to do better with a wacky-ass connection on an unexpecte airline – that would be Colin and Christie’s score with Olympic Airways (which by the way was a connection via Athens, and still operates the same schedule). Charla and Mirna’s Alitalia connection was almost certainly a connector via Rome Fiumicino Airport; I’m hoping against hope there will be Insider footage of Mirna speaking Desperanto (which is mostly Italian with a bad French accent) to Italians in Italy. Oh, how sweet it would be to hear her say “Dove il restrroom-o?” at last.

Once again I scream at the Twins: You suck, Duckgirls! you’re not bad people and all that, but your navigation/problem solving skills suck, and you deserved to be eliminated yet again.

Hellooooo? Puzzle??? Not supposed to just dump it to one side and not even try to figure it out.

Fortunately, the non-elim saved a team that is marginally less sucky at navigation than you are, the Moms Who Say “EEEEEE!” Also: if you hadn’t had a Friendly Local (who may be a fan – she seemed way intrigued by the route info packet) to guide you to the Prodigal Son, you would have wandered around L’Hermitage for hours and hours and hours. Cluelessly. Girls, you have to get your two brains working as one superbrain, and not half-a-brain, if you want to succeed.

Balls Out Crazy

Something you need to know about Alan Keyes: he’s pro-life, he’s not modest about his achievements, and he probably shouldn’t write his own ad copy. And this is the guy the Illinois GOP thinks they might throw against Barak Obama?

  • Is widely considered the most formidable defender of America’s founding principles in today’s political arena.
  • Is generally conceded to be the winner of the 2000 Republican Presidential Debates, due to his remarkable eloquence and persuasiveness.
  • Is capable of leading our country to widespread moral and political renewal, once all of America has a chance to see and hear, first-hand, his self-evident brilliance.

And thanks to Whopundit, I now know that Keyes is balls out crazy.

What’s a Vicar? What’s a Priest-in-Charge?

Via AKMA, I ran across the following rant on the “emerging church” movement.

Stop using things like the Book of Common Prayer and candles and incense because you think they’re cool. At least go to an Episcopal service, or an Orthodox service, or a Roman Catholic service and actually learn a little bit about their liturgy before you start saying things like, “and now for an old Anglican prayer. ” It’s not just an old prayer! It’s the liturgy practiced by thousands of people all over the world – right now! The candles and incense? They mean something. It’s not just an aesthetic.

Ohhhhh… thank you. Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. It’s not a style choice. Incense is the physical and sensory representation of prayer, rising up to God. It’s not just Church Glade.

However, I bow to AKMA’s far greater scholarship and moderating influence, where I originally saw the link to the rant. I guess there can be ways to put new wine in old skins, or vice versa, without the result tasting like a spiritually uplifting salad dressing. In the meantime, no point in being too critical of doing things another way.

I’m wondering if some of these terms (emerging church and so on) will get tossed around when the new vicar arrives at Holy Moly. Also, he’ll be priest-in-charge – meaning that since he’s rector of the other parish and vicar of ours (we’re a mission), he’s responsible for running both.

He’s Father Ted Durst, as I can now announce (and need to get up on the church website), formerly of Trinity, Houghton MI. His first Sunday with us is the 15th of August, and dang it, I’ll be out of town. I hope to meet him sometime before then, but it looks doubtful.

Everyone that’s met him really likes him, and his views on traditional forms of worship seem pretty much in line with ours – but also, his views on other things seem pretty much in the more tolerant, moderate, even progressive line. So: yay.

I don’t know if he’ll come in and make sweeping changes and throw around a lot of the current “buzz” words, but he should know that our attempt at running a more modern, “twentysomething” evening worship service failed before… more from a lack of committment on all sides than anything else. It could have been really neat, and a good way to get younger people interested in a new way to “do church.” In any case, we’ll see if he’s willing to spend some time building things back up; from what I’ve been told, he will. It”ll be a relief to have a captain of our little boats again. I’m putting an ad in the Daily Harold’s Saturday religion page for the next couple of weeks, in the hopes that some new folks will be curious enough to come check us out.

And that’s a good thing. I love Holy Moly, even though I got horribly stuck on a project I was asked to help with and didn’t do a damn thing on it. Yet still I was forgiven – even welcomed back with open arms after playing hooky out of guilt for several weeks. End result: a fire has been lit under my ass for the next couple of projects, such as promoting the second Synergy Brass Quintet concert in October (whee!!! They were so cool last year!).

Last Sunday (the Day of Forgiveness, that is) was pretty wacky. Wacky church does not mean liturgical clowns doing spiritual nosebeeps: it means missed musical cues and the altar team muddling through a portion of the service with the wrong kind of music being played, and skipping a hymn, and people singing the next verse that the organist has decided to omit without telling us.


We had a guest organist who seemed very nice, but no one bothered to brief her beforehand as to the slightly altered order of worship we follow. However, she’s been briefed for next week, and another choir member and I will sit back with her and give her immoral support during the service. Our previous organist decided to give notice a few weeks ago for reasons of health, so we’ll be starting afresh. A permanent choice will be made by Fr Durst after he gets a chance to find his feet; until then, we’ve got several guest organists lined up. As I’ve said before, we rejoice in a funky kit-constructed pipe organ, so local organists seem to like booking practice time on it. Finding a quick replacement shouldn’t be difficult. Certainly not as long as finding Fr Durst; Marion and Barbara left us last year on August 10th, so it’s been almost exactly a year.

LED to CAI: Tarsday Skedoolies

Yep, let the screaming and note-taking begin: it’s TARsday today. In the previews last week, it’s obvious that everyone will scurry way down in Egypt land, because the pyramids and Sphinx shots are kind of hard to miss.

I don’t know if they’ll stop off somewhere first, as in pick up a route clue at some intermediate point like Frankfurt, but I decided to copy from schedules from a few typical dates in late January or February to try to make sense of the inevitable airport scramble. I’ve stashed them in the extended entry for easier readablity.

I have no idea who is out tonight: we’re due for a non-elimination leg for the first half of the season, but that might not be for another 2 episodes. However, there are a couple of teams who’ve barely managed to avoid elimination simply because better, nicer teams weren’t aggressive enough booking flights. As mentioned on the TWOP TAR boards, you have to take that Extra Step and keep working for a better flight once you get your team (and also sound and camera guy) confirmed.
Continue reading

Hey, It’s That Guy!

Kaufman leads a crew of misfits, some lovable some downright annoying, who work on CITIZEN TOXIE. The standout is “Stunt Master” T.J.. Glenn, a big guy with a salt-and-pepper mullet and handlebar mustache who, in one of APOCALYPSE SOON’s funniest sequences, performs a extremely unconvincing “full body burn” where one’s entire flame retardant gel covered body is set ablaze and the fire extinguished after a period of writhing and screaming.

Hey, I’ve seen T.J. Glenn in person! Jeebs, that takes me back. He did a martial arts demo at the first Highlander convention in Denver 10 years ago. I think he was angling for a guest shot or a stunt gig with the show, but nothing came of it. He was very popular with female HL fans, though – we were all suckers for a good looking man with a sword…mullet notwithstanding.

His movie career seems to be circling the bowl. Shame. Although the “Lord of the G-Strings: Femaleship of the String” credit as swordmaster looks slightly intriguing. Who knew there was a subset of porn for martial arts/swords and sorcery flicks?

PvP For Free?

PvP‘s Scott Kurtz thinks maybe he might syndicate his papers for free. Here’s why:

But I’ve already become attached to the idea of seeing PvP in the papers, and that’s why I’ve decided to start a new program. In the coming months, I’ll be putting into effect, a program in which papers can receive PVP for free. That’s right, free. They don’t have to pay me a cent for it. I will provide for the papers, a comic strip with a larger established audience then any new syndicated feature, a years worth of strips in advance, and I won’t charge them a cent for it.

Don’t be alarmed at the guest strip – he handed off posting duties to a variety of other strip artists while he was off gallivanting around tilting at syndicate windmills.

It’s Bert Here, But Ernie In NYC, DC

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 -Much of the information that led the authorities to raise the terror alert at several large financial institutions in the New York City and Washington areas was three or four years old, intelligence and law enforcement officials said on Monday. They reported that they had not yet found concrete evidence that a terrorist plot or preparatory surveillance operations were still under way.

Also, Pakistan is claiming bragging rights or whatever that the prisoner they recently surrendered to our authorities (you know, the conveniently timed, big breaking news story surrender) provided a lot of the detail for the current terror alert in NYC and DC.

berternie.jpgLife here in the flyover states, and also on the West Coast, goes on with Bertian edgy calm, but New York and Washington are on a more Ernieistic plane of existence. Thank goodness we know how we’re supposed to feel about this. And no, we’ve never gotten around to buying a lot of duct tape, bottled water, or non-perishable food. Because the Muppets make us safe. Kind of like a false sense of security blanket. 😉

Subservient Chicken

I finally got around to seeing what Subservient Chicken is all about. Suffice to say, I got him to do some pretty freakin’ weird things, such as “impersonate Elvis,” “impersonate Michael Jackson (ooh! that chicken can moonwalk!)” and “hop from one foot to another.” However, the weirdest response thus far was to “do housework.”

I was unsuccessful in commanding him to hump the furniture – he approached the camera and gave an imperious “no-no-no” gesture. However, he did oblige me on “molt” and “order fried chicken.”