Hell…lo Yes, I’d Like To Order A Pizza

Get Fuzzy 08/29/04

Funnies Stuff

Bucky Katt is at it again: he proposes to make dinner for Rob and Satchel. He says he shall require a plump rat, a sprig of catnip, and a throw rug. Cotton.

I think I know what the throw rug is for.

Food Stuff

We didn’t order a pizza tonight, we marinated some salmon in a ponzu-like concoction that consisted of soysauce, orange juice, rice vinegar, sesame oil, honey, toasted sesame seeds, ground multi-colored pepper, and garlic. This time, there was a little wasabi in there. Last time, I grated some orange zest in there. Either way, it was good: we marinated it for about 20 minutes on each side, ending with the skin side up. Then I drained off most of the marinade, rubbed a little olive oil on the skin, baked in the same dish at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, flipped it skin side down, and it finished baking in about another 15 minutes or so.

It was very good.

Blog Stuff

I was tinkering around a lot under the hood and messing with uploading photos and things. Somehow, I got the missing image borders working in Mozilla – I have no idea quite how. It started when I gave in and started a Blogger blog just so I could comment on other Blogger users’ blogs without having to be some lame-o Anonymous type. Then I had to tinker around with Hello(free photo uploading software for Blogger) because I realized belatedly that I had created my new blog bass-ackwards. I may use it for photos, or for something completely different: it’s called Razzberry Vinaigrette and it already has a comment because I left one at Bard’s nifty new site, Writ in Ether.

In the course of tinkering and peeking under the hood at the new template, I realized it had the right CSS combo to get the image borders working right in Mozilla – at least partly. Then I somehow managed to get it working right over here.

With me so far? No, I didn’t think so. I bumbled my way into the solution somehow.

Church Stuff

Father Durst went out on a limb today in his sermon… damn, that’s ANOTHER category… wait a minute…. there. Okay, he said something very brave and probably foolhardy: he mentioned that someone had said to him in the previous week that they were bothered at the sight of two men exchanging the kiss of peace. This would be Fr. Ted and Mark, his partner of 8 years. Since he stated in the sermon that they are both very open and matter-of-fact about their relationship, I don’t think I have to maintain radio silence on the matter any more (which means the big fat sloppy hints must go). Anyway, he tackled the matter as a side-theme in his sermon – the main theme was the parable of the banqueting table from Luke 14:1,7-14. All are welcome, and so on. The upshot was that he and the mystery person resolved their differences (I hope permanently), and Katie and I wondered who it might have been. I really hope this resolution won’t be one of those spiritual and emotional band-aids that keeps falling off and getting stuck back on over a nasty little festering bit.

I like Fr. Ted and Mark, but better not make an ass of myself in the upcoming Bishop’s Committee meeting on Wednesday (630pm, doofus, don’t forget!) or I’ll end up as sermon fodder.

And that really seems to catch us up. There’s more, but that would require yet another category.

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