Colin The Assarian

The TAR recaplet from Miss Alli at TWOP:

Colin puts the Colin puts the “ugh” in “Ugly American” this week as he decides to stage an international incident over 50 dollars. Snarky local authorities (why yes, they do speak English…does Colin speak Swahili?), lectures on contract law, bugged-out eyes, and an aggravated girlfriend combine to make him appear to be just about the biggest jackhole they’ve ever put on this show. And remember, we know Wil. Elsewhere, the Twinkies learn that even stopped instincts are right twice a day, Chip learns that being a generous tipper is a dangerous game, and Nicole learns that it’s always smart to carry small bills. Oh, and Shecky the Comedy Camel’s many relatives are out in force as the teams make their way to a non-elimination point. Next week, the Twinkies will be cash-free, so look for them to [head-tilt] “manipulate” strangers out of their money. That should be fun.

I have to add that this episode has generated even more “hits” in my Bloglines feed search than the last one, when Charla and Mirna got eliminated. And it’s the first time that requests for Bittorrents showed up in the aggregator, too. All kinds of people had lots to say about the episode this week, much of it surprisingly consistent:

  • Colin’s an ass (hole, hat, tard, etc.)
  • Christie should get away from him, not apologize for not supporting him
  • “Do you speak English? Yes, do you speak Swahili:” Best. Putdown. Ever.
  • The Twins are not as think as they cute they are

Due to the RNC coverage on Tuesday, next week’s episode will be showin in Chicago at 8pm according to the local CBS affiliate’s schedule.

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