I’m In The Taxi of The Despicables

It’s official. Colin and Christie are my new favorite TAR team to despise. More taxi shenanigans, and boy did sweet karma bite him in the Xtreme ass: a flat tire, a tantrum in which he attempted to short the hapless taxi driver, and very nearly, a stay in the Kilimanjaro International Airport hoosegow.

And still this team came in first and won a trip to the Caribbean. However, the laggards finished up most satisfactorily; the idiot twins drove right into the gate of the location of the skydiving stunt, but in spite of a big honkin’ red and yellow flag that they both saw, one twin overruled the other and followed a team more lost than they were. So they pulled out and followed the other team right into a turnaround and back into the gate they just left.


They were last, but it was non-elimination, so they lost all their money.

We wasted 30 minutes on the Taxi-Assiness of Colin, and there was no Roadblock task shown, probably because the mellerdrammer at the airport was so damn compelling.

Also, there was some interesting melting down going on in Nicole’s head, because she was freaking out that Brandon paid full price. Chip attempted to explain that a hundred US dollars is a hell of a lot of money pumped into the local economy but she wasn’t buying any of it.

Poor Christie found herself apologizing for not keeping out of Colin’s face while he had his asshat on. And he actually clapped for her to keep up with him at one point, as you would for a wandering dog or toddler.

Yikes. Lots of people were wondering this week if Mirna was right about him after all.

Next week, Colin takes a job as a fudgepacker (we wish). No, he appears to be making mud bricks. And bad Phil! That voiceover was a spoiler!

Speaking of spoilers… maybe some major ones for TAR 6, but I’ll pretend I didn’t see them (even though it’s totally killing me. Killing me with the stings of a thousand unused honeybees from last week’s Roadblock.

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