Great American Shout Out

Al Franken had an idea: what if everyone in America that disagreed with Bushco’s agenda ran outside at the same time(10pm Eastern?) and shouted“Oh no ya don’t!” or equivalent local colloquialisms.

In Chicago, this means we’ll run out and yell “You’ve got to be (fuckin’) kiddin’ me!” (suburbs) or “Don’t even go there” (downtown) or “Oh no you di’int!” (Southside).

In New York, they’ll apparently holler “Fuggedabouddit!”

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One thought on “Great American Shout Out

  1. And in “Utar” they’d run out in the streets and say “oh my heck”… we need to cover our childrens ears. I’ve been told the “faithful” are being told to vote for Georgie so he can have another four years to redem himself. What a crock. Both Frank and I will be voting “D” — don’t like it, but it’s probably the lesser of the two evils! They are both idiots!