Wow, I started out looking at this photographer’s website because there were gorgeous photos of monkeys that made them look like beautiful alien celebrities. Then I went and browsed under her actors link. And then I found 2 beautiful portraits of people from Firefly. One is of Mal and Inara, and the other is a group shot of the crew of the good ship Firefly. Captain Tightpants is in very good form, too. And there’s Zoe, who could kick ass if she ever faced Teyla of Atlantis in a fair or unfair fight. All of the photos are interesting –…
It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the best book you’ve never read. It was published, posthumously and after great difficulty, in 1981. It won the Pulitzer Prize. It has the distinction of being the one book everyone in Hollywood would like to turn into a movie, but no one can do it, because it can’t be done. In fact, the project may be cursed, because 3 actors once considered for the lead role died shortly after their names were associated with it. What is it? A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole. I stumbled upon a reference to…
Rance is back for a quick one, and sounding a bit anxious about the next step: how to keep blogging without getting bogged down with hundreds of comments per post. He wants to preserve the community that’s sprung up; dang me if he isn’t surprised and touched that there is one. I commented that David could set up a mailing list, but that other community members (hee! that’s us!) might prefer something more like a discussion forum or board, or find some other way to moderate comments so as to take the load off the AS. Of course, I still…
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Swedish graffiti artists kidnapped a fiber-glass cow from the international art exhibit CowParade, held power drills to its head and threatened to “sacrifice” it unless the sculptures were declared “non-art.” A video sent to a newspaper showed the cow flanked by two masked, black-clad figures wielding power drills in front of a sign reading “Stockholm’s Militant Graffiti Artists.” “We demand that the cows are declared non-art. Otherwise the hostage will be sacrificed,” said a voice on the video. The group gave the organizers of the Stockholm exhibit till noon on Aug. 23 to comply with their demand.…
Remember the judge with the penis pump behind the bench? He’s getting himself off on a technicality by resigning his judgeship. He comments: “I have greatly enjoyed my public service and offer my gratitude for the public trust reposed in me during the terms I served,” he said on Wednesday. Yes, he certainly has.