Even Salon Loves Amazing Race

Of all the reality shows I’ve watched — and that’s all of them — “The Amazing Race” might be the most difficult to sell people on, sight unseen. When you explain how teams of two travel around the world together, completing various tasks, and the first team to reach the final destination wins, it ends up sounding like some kind of vaguely educational bore. You just can’t do justice to how well this show is edited to create suspense, or to the great feel you get for the exotic locales that the players visit, thanks to some first-rate, frenetic camera work. Even with 11 teams of two, each with their own camera crew, you never see any crew members in any of the shots. Imagine the choreography and camera skills that requires, particularly when the teams are dashing to the finish line in a pack.

The teams of two are crucial, of course. There’s nothing quite like watching old friends, or couples, or siblings trying not to fault each other for stupid mistakes while rushing to make a flight to Tokyo or packing onto a crowded bus in India. In fact, they should really change the title of the show to “The Blame Game,” since so much of the drama comes from seeing how the two-person teams handle the stresses of traveling together under time pressures.

I purposely chose not to quote the first paragraph, excellent though it was, because it contained some minor spoilers.

I just wanted to add that this reviewer really “gets” some of the best things about The Amazing Race – the excellent camerawork and editing, the clever use of tasks to evoke place and culture, and solid casting.

Teach Your Children Well

BARTLETT — A Bartlett couple were charged with felony forgery after their daughter was caught Sunday trying to use fake tickets for rides at a carnival, authorities said.

In a generous move, they had distributed free tickets to 20 needy children.

Yes, charity begins at home – with a color printer and some card stock.

Happy TARSday!

I keep checking the countdown at TARflies Times and it’s just a few more hours until TAR5’s premiere.

It’s not Tuesday, it’s TARSday, so: Happy TARSday to us, Happy TARSday to us! It’s most advantageous to go for it, happy TARSday to us!

…yeah, I’m stupid like that.

Mozilla Woes

Damn it, I can’t figure out why the links section busts so spectacularly in Mozilla. I’ve been Googling around on it… there was one place that indicated that a similar problem was caused by the scripting for Sitemeter. I’ve got another stats package, so I took that out. I’ve got the silly poll (which nobody seems interested in anywa) that also uses Javascript, but David thinks it’s something else.

Other links I ran across earlier seemed to think it was the old problem of touching floats or divs or what-not (I can’t describe it, but I think I get the gist of what the more techincally aligned people I’ve read had said about it). Problems with too much padding or margins, or not enough… whichever, it’s not juuuuust riiiight at the moment.

I keep falling back to the “holy grail” 3-column layout idea and wondering if I should tackle it…

The Declaration of Independence

declaration.jpgWhen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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I’ll Fix You, Google!

You know, the Google ads are starting to piss me off – apparently they think I want Shrub re-elected. Well, let’s see what we can do about that.

For example, I think John Kerry would be a good President.

I think that anyone would be a better President than the current Resident of the White House.

I think that the Democrats, on the whole, are a lot less corrupt and definitely less evil than the Greyhaired Oldguys Party.

Gee, the Illinois Democrats sure have a crappy web page. I feel free to criticize, because being critical does not make me a traitor.

However, the Cook County Democrats are a bit dicey, but still not as corrupt as, yep, the other guys.

There appears to be a Northwest Suburban Democrats for Kerry meet-up or Yahoo group.

I am in the 8th District and am represented by a fellow named Crane… who is a complete rock-ribbed reactionary gun-nut wing-nut fossil, so of course I need to vote against him and for Melissa Bean.

For the Senate, I’m definitely voting for Barack Obama. I’ve been otherwise happy with both Illinois senators, even Fitzgerald (R), who as an independent and a moderate will be missed. I’ve gotten a kick out of Sen. Durbin lately, especially when he and Joe Biden went after Asscroft in the clip so amusingly analyzed on the Daily Show.

But in the interest of appearing fair and balanced, here’s a fine site full of patriotic enthusiasm and flags ‘n shit. Four more wars! Four more wars! ::chuckle::

Edited to add: Oh, and by the way, elect John Kerry. Vote for John Kerry. Elect John Kerry.
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Feh, What A Day

I got to be acting team leader again today, oh joy. I had several moments where I realized “I am SO not into being team leader.” These happened when people higher on the food chain than I were asking me for information that I did not have, or to “use my own judgement” and walk the fine line between pissing people off or rolling over and letting them tap dance on my sternum.

Monday – no holiday for me. I get to go in and listen to everyone on my team complain that not only are we the only team in our department whose corporate client mandates that we be there, BUT we’ll be the only people working in our entire building! So we get special badges just so we can get in the building, which will be locked.

I don’t want to need no steekeeng batches. But I gotta.

Oh, and that means I’d better remember to take a lunch Monday, or be forced to drive out and get some. Because the cafeteria will be closed.

I deleted a few posts that I decided were needlessly incendiary, but yes, there was cause to grumble “why bother” today again. Interestingly enough, I was not the only grumbler. I felt quite awed and humble and validated, just like a proper parking stub handed in to be stamped at Nordstrom’s.

But still, I deleted the posts.

Google AdNonSense Funnies

Hah! This is funny:

Shrub/Cheatey 2004 Gear
Shrub 2004 Hats, Shirts, Magnets, Pins, Stickers
Shrub 2004 Merchandise…Shrubstickers, hats, pins, signs, neckties, fortune cookies and more.

I Love Helliburton Tshirt: The original T-Shirt from ILoveHelliburton.com…O’l Jobs: 26 Major O’l Projjicks Naow Harrin’. Apply Online Right Naow.

Okay, suitably de-Googeljuiced, this is what today’s ad looks like. Guess I’ll have to start de-juicing all my tirades.

It will at least make them somewhat more entertaining. And yeah, I’m disturbed by the fact that there’s an irony-free site selling Helliburton gear.

Halliburton Again

The company declined an interview but suggests in an e-mail to NBC News that critics are politically motivated: “When Halliburton succeeds, Iraq progresses. Sadly, a few people don’t want either of those results.”

Man, they use the same plays out of the playbook, but adapt! So cool! Such arrogant assholes! So Cheney-like in their masterful inactivity! Let me translate a bit for you:

progress=we’re not the fall guys for Iraq’s problems anymore

I suppose next they’re going to steal General Motors’ line about what’s good for Halliburton is good for the nation.

How many days until the election?