The Musical(?) Stylings Shatner And Jackson

Joey reports via a friend’s blog that William Shatner will commit albumery again, this time with actual musicians of note Ben Folds and Joe Jackson, on a project titled (wait for it)… Has Been. I hope this is true, I would totally shell out for it.

Joey concludes with a quote that ought to have been part of Original, Classic, and Still the Cheesiest Star Trek Canon:

Yeoman Rand, you common ensign, you’ve started a warp core breach… IN MY PANTS.

Also not to be missed: a plea for Wil Wheaton to collaborate on something that sounds like it’ll be Punk Polka Geek Trek, and some photos in the continuing series of vignettes of a cow-orker whose life is far more disturbing and entertaining than it ought to be.

Serenity Has Been Slashdotted

Although the movie isn’t due to open until April 22nd next year, Whedon is ready to show the first clip from from Serenity, the motion picture based on the Firefly series. He’ll do it this weekend at Comic-Con, also present will be the cast from the series/movie (all 9 actors), editor Lisa Lassek, special effects guru Loni Peristere and producer Chris Buchanan. It will take place on Sunday July 25th, 1-2pm, Room 20, afterwards there will be a signing session in room 28DE.

Aaaahhhhh!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!! If I had planned farther in advance and maybe smacked David over the head with the Firefly DVDs a few times, we might have been able to go to this. Just for that one event. Then sneak into the dealer’s room and shop for SF fan goodies.

Crap crap crap crap crap crap CRAP.

Is anyone going to this?

And by the way – the advance buzz on this movie is going to be huge, because there’s something nearly every day in my “Firefly: Serenity” feed search on Bloglines.

Edited to add: AAAAAAAAaaaaaah! ***Dave is going. He decided today. ::gnash gnash::

Dropping The Velvet Hammer

Miss Alli, Our Lady of the Recaps, intervenes before things get out of hand in a discussion of the recent TAR episode that happened to touch on religion:

But of course, the topic is the team. And generalizing about religion is about the least fun a moderator can have short of being spattered with hot bacon grease, so let’s not.

TAR5 Episode 3: Choco-choke-a-rama

Miss Alli’s recaplet is up at TWOP:

Even a classy show sometimes wrings a good episode out of a bunch of people competing in the Jerkweed Olympics, and such is the case with this week’s episode. Colin starts to show a certain icy, dead-eyed stare that tiptoes all over the line between “I am intense” and “I am in prison,” while either Marshall or Lance actually becomes a caricature of himself by taking the step from Guy Who Almost Seems Like He Would Yell “Bitch” Out Of A Car Window to Guy Who Actually Does. Mirna and Charla express their hope that by limiting their alliances to the “God-fearing,” they won’t have to deal with people who aren’t trustworthy, and then Charla uncorks an “I need a doctor” lie that probably isn’t going to earn her any sanctity points. Brandon and Nicole appear to bumble their way into angering a bunch of other teams, while Kami and Karli continue hating Chip and Kim for the imagined wrongdoing of last week. Bob and Joyce are still happy, and Linda and Karen seriously need to stop screeching. Seriously. Once a confusing airport scenario has been negotiated, the teams navigate a high-calorie Roadblock and a parasailing Detour, ending the leg at a gorgeous location where Jim and Marsha are sadly Philiminated, victims of poor airport strategy. While the failure of Marshall and Lance to be booted certainly constitutes bad news, there is good news in the form of the welcome return of the show’s trademark wit, including a brilliant pseudo-prayer sequence for Brandon and Nicole and the humiliation of KamiKarli when they realize that they just jumped in the water and swam to the pit stop when they could have, you know, walked. Even with an ending that seems inevitable from about the halfway point, it’s a funny and very telling episode that starts to set up some of the personalities we’ll be following for the next two months or so. And seriously, Mirna? Shut up.

The recaplets get blown away by the full-size recap – I expect this one will come in at about 22 pages again, because there was SO much snarkfood in this episode.

You know what? There’s actually twelve teams competing – the invisible one is Team Karma, and it’s waiting to take a big bite out of some truffle-filled asses next week.

Marshall and Lance – yeah, you, Pizza Guys. You’re on my little list for good and all. You’re on the Double-Sekrit Retro-Redemption Arc for good now.

Even Ian eventually redeemed his asshattiness; you, sirs, are no Ian.

I’ll Tell You How I Really Feel

Vandal Edits Swear Words in Library Books
LAYTON, Utah – A self-appointed editor of library books has given new meaning to “purple prose.” The do-it-yourself censor is turning swear words into “darns” and “hecks” in purple ink.

“They believe it’s within their right to deface public property and impose what they believe on others,” library director Pete Giacoma said.

God FUCKING dammit. Emphasis bloody well added.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while – not only do I believe in the separation of church and state, I think that overt PDPs should be outlawed.

Yeah, I have a problem with the imposed religion, you betcha. Not to mention the hijacking of the national dialogue with endless debate from the morals-and-family-values bunch, who by definition seem to deny that people on the opposing side might have morals, families, and values of their own. Just different ones, that’s all.

The Secretary Will Disavow All Knowledge Redux

Yep, the bounty hunter is claiming to be a somewhat pudgier and un-hot Ethan Hunt than we’re used to seeing.

A US citizen arrested in Kabul over an alleged freelance counter-terrorism operation says he was working with the knowledge of the US defence secretary.

“Bwah! Rummy! You won’t take my calls, you don’t write… what’s a black ops counter-terrorist to do??”

New Blogwear

ginnys-new-garb-small.jpgNo, I’m not changing over to WordPress, even though David has. I’ve got new garb to blog in, since we went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire yesterday and I decided some new duds were in order. David already noted all of our activities yesterday. I had the beginnings of a Faire outfit, but really the best piece I had was a reversible weskit or doublet or whatever the vestlike garment is, so I added a new chemise and skirt in complementary colors. They’re nicer and better made than the original ones I got 2 years ago, so I wasn’t shopping too far above my station as a peasant; another year I’ll upgrade to a nicer, more elaborate vest or whatever it’s called. For now I’ll enjoy buying the accessories – the tankard that hangs from a hook on the belt, perhaps a feather fan, some antique keys (Mom has those at home, I just need something to hang them on… ) and perhaps next year a very jaunty brimmed hat with some feathers and maybe some period-type shoes the year after that.

It’s fun wearing “ersatz Renaissance garb” to these events, because the costumed cast-and-volunteers tend to want to interact more than if you’re in your standard Midwestern summer garb (shorts, oversized T-shirt, sport shoes). I have no problem pulling off the lingo, owing to some past experience with SCA events in the long-ago and far-away land of An Tir.

man-in-privy-small.jpgFor example, owing to my willingness to go along with the big joke, I got to have a nice long chat with an actual Privy Councillor. Here he is, in his privy, obligingly sniffing the rose David had gotten for me whilst (see? See?) I was changing into my new garb. He had a Ren Faire improv schtick going, and I went as far as I could before my brain screeched to a halt and had to admit, “My lord, I got nothing.” No more funny, I was laughing too much to be able to think of any more banter.

The people-watching was as good as it’s ever been – there were a hell of a lot of pirates this year, complete with long black wigs and eyeliner, a la Jack Sparrow. And the women pirates were even more elaborately coiffed and made up. Heh. Apparently, pirates are rather political beasts these days. Vote Pirate! Arrrrgh!

We’ve talked about going more often and getting more involved in the Bristol Faire, but somehow we always lame out and go just once a season or less. A friend in California is deeply involved in a Faire there, so I know that it can be a fun (if expensive) hobby. However, I don’t have the mad seamstress skillz or inclination to make costumes, so we’ll always be off-the-rack peasants or middling artisans.

We didn’t go to any of the big entertainments – the Mud Show, Dirk and Guido – this year, but we did hear an amazing singer, Owain Phyfe. Lovely stuff, beautifully performed and played. We sat and listened, then moved on. It was a very relaxing day. Toward the end, we sat again in a cool shady grove and listened to a formal discussion of costumery and the rules of protocol and precedence by a member of the royal court, all in character and mostly serious. He mentioned the Great Chain of Being several times; this is a familiar concept to me from my English major days, most definitely from my Elizabethan Studies classes. It was a pleasant surprise to hear an old academic concept bandied about to explain all the foofaraw of the “my lords and ladies” this and “you speak above your station peasant” that. It was quite an interesting talk, with lots of details of the lords’ and ladies’ costumes explained.

I found several sites with plenty of pictures with a simple Google search, so it seems there are a lot of Faire fans out there. Being but simple peasants with delusions of yeomanry, I doubt we’ll be shelling out the ducats for noblewear anytime soon.

There were other fun encounters – never did find out who the young squires were in garb who skipped along as if on horseback with a peasant behind them making “clippity clop” noises with coconut cups, but they looked like they were just being silly in a Monty Python vein. Also, there were some maidens (some of them rather beefy ones) who were playing a game with a rope that looked at first like “crack the whip,” except that they were using the rope to surround groups of men who weren’t in garb. Heh. MAKE the mundanes play, there’s a good strategery. Another year, we were there quite late, and at the end of the day strange things start happen and odd fantastical creatures come out. There’s usually a drum jam on the green where all the main “roads” branch off, and this can get pretty wild and wooly. Demonic puppets on sticks came flying out of nowhere and up the main street, a jongleur balanced on a ball came into the middle of the dancers, and the mood definitely became “okay, you mundane types, time for you to pack up your toddlers into your mini-van dragons and leave the serious partying to the fantasticals.”

That was one of the things that made us want to experience it more as a participant.

TAR5: Leg 2

Joy! Bliss! The new recap has gone up at TWOP.

In a way, reading the recaps is almost as good as(and in some ways better than) watching an episode, because Miss Alli’s caustic wit finds the weak spots in the racers’ self-delusional interviews. Early in the leg, interviews tend to be from the previous night’s Pit Stop stay, and late in the leg they tend to be after arrival, for better or worse. She pokes holes in the excuses and the misunderstandings and makes things less confusing, and also funnier.

And now, just a couple more days until we see what the hell happens between Pizza Boy 1 and Mirna.