Just Weird, No Category

You know how sometimes, things go really well? And other times, things don’t go so well, and you only have yourself to blame?

Well, what about those times when really well and not so well are all mooshed together? That’s how I feel.

I feel really good about being more informed about politics. Also, I feel pretty good about some of the horses in the race. I like their chances.

I feel pretty good about being better informed in general about international and national news. This is a result of reading about 4 or 5 news feeds via Bloglines.

I feel pretty good about the blogs I’ve stumbled across and read daily, or in the course of helplessly flailing about looking for something else. There are some great people out there writing good stuff, Maynard.

On the other hand, I read too much news and blog about it too much, both during work (not good) and after work, so that stuff around the house isn’t getting done (also in the “not good” category). Ditto: probably reading too many blogs as well.

I feel pretty good about the way the blog looks currently, although I went through the usual ten levels of Hell getting it to look right with 3 columns, and then getting it to look sort of right in Mozilla. Frustration levels ebb and flow with each new frustration solved, then another one encountered.

On the other hand, I screw around tweaking the blog templates too much. Yep: work and home, stuff not getting done. Also church stuff not getting done. I’m going to hell. Yep. And letting people down where I made committments. Hell and blasted to smithereens, probably. Also also: not smooching hubby enough.

I feel pretty good about the actual blogging I’ve done, here and elsewhere (commenting on others’ sites, having a lot of fun with writing off-the-wall things here and elsewhere).

On the other hand: lather, rinse, repeat on the “stuff not getting done” thing. Also: have witnessed online freakouts a couple of times in otherwise “fun” and friendly confines since December, have successfully avoided drama, but you never know.

I feel pretty good about getting out of the house to the health club several times this week, and about general sense of well-being when using the cardio settings on various machines.

On the other hand, something’s wacky with water retention and puffy ankles, so the doc prescribed this stuff and AUGH, forgot to take it again at dinner. Can’t take it now, too close to bedtime. Dammit. Maybe I should stick it in my purse and take it at lunch (has to be taken at mealtimes, but not within 30 minutes of going to bed). Lunchtime is the only really reliably scheduled meal of the day.

So: kinda jumpy, really disorganized, procrastinating on some things up the ying-yang but having a lot of fun, other than what is the dealio with the family cankles ballooning? It’s probably due to too much time sitting around watching TAR, Ground Force, CSI, NCIS, Stargate, and Atlantis.

Yep, all the fun things: bad for me. Bah.

Oh, and by the way – things are changing somewhat radically at work. I’ll be training on two more accounts and taking calls (at least for international) from all three. Not terribly happy about this development, but hey, it’s a job.

And yeah, the opportunities for screwing around reading Bloglines or futzing with the blog are probably going to have to be curtailed. Dammit.

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2 thoughts on “Just Weird, No Category

  1. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! not the blogs! please don’t stop bloggin’!!! or even cut back! *twitches at the mere thought* do you have any idea how educational your writin’ is? you would be doin’ such a great disservice to your readin’ public. isn’t there something else you can cut back on, like showers or kissin’ hubby every other day? how about work? any give time there?

    je suis tres desolee! *sniffs*

    ahem! *gets a-holt of blitherin’ self* the ‘puter and all of those unread blogs circulatin’ in cyber space are a great lil time-wast…erm, procrastinatin’ device, innit?

    and no, yer not goin’ straight to hell. too many good deeds stored up; this is just a blip on the social conscience screen. and if you’ll go adopt a few dogs right quick, i think you can get bonus points. *g*

    *hugs yer stressed out lil self* t3w, regardless of size and gravitational pull of ankles.


  2. Just to be clear, I meant that I’d have to cut back on blogging at work… quite so much. I doubt that I’d be able to shut the hell up completely during the workday. *giggle*

    Funny you should mention gravity. It’s my niece Ranny’s 40th birthday today (EEEEEEEEEK! well, she’s only 6 years younger than me, heh) and she was griping about wanting to repeal the law of gravity as well.

    I had to reassure my sister Timmy via email as well – the cankles are still swollen, but I’m trying to make an effort to drink more water and elevate my feet and sit properly at the keyboard. And yet, I had a great workout yesterday, and got a lot of house stuff done today, too.

    I needed a kickstart. Also, I’m done fretting and procrastinating on a couple of things (have a few more coming up, however).

    Still kind of gabberflasted that anyone would use the word “educational” in connection with this random collection of half-assed thoughts, though. Thank you.