Whither Rance?

The United States is to place tariffs on shrimp imports from Brazil and India in an attempt to tackle cut-price fish being dumped on the market.

If my suspicion is correct, Rance ran off from the pressures of slebrity and bloggy godhead and got a job working on a shrimp boat. If that’s so, his paycheck is safe enough for now… unless he ran off to either the Caribbean or the Indian Ocean.

If that’s the case, he’s boned. Better re-think the whole “no more slebrity for me” thing.

Really, this is just an excuse to open some “Where the hell is Rance anyway” comments.

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11 thoughts on “Whither Rance?

  1. Rance is like E.T., he’ll always be “right here.”
    Well, it’s here for me, there for you. It would make sense if you saw my finger…

  2. hmmm, I made an allusion to our missing Bigfoot today at my own blog. Guess we are having withdrawals. I like the idea of the shrimp boat, though. Suppose Rance is the owner of Bubba Gump Shrimp in RL? *smile* Oh, and I posted that “Run, Forrest, run” comment… well, now with your inspiration I am going to pretend I was thinking of that all along!

  3. Rance is everywhere. We are all Rance. (jeez, insert stupid Zen reference here)

    I was sort of thinking of starting a mailing list just so people could natter on endlessly and speculate. I wonder if the AS would disavow all knowledge of our activities or not.

  4. If the speculating was done in fun (shrimp boat, for example) I would enjoy mini-scripting different scenarios with us bloggers as extra cast members. Not so keen on serious nattering, though, as privacy and respect are big issues for me, too. Do keep me in mind! I’ll send you an email regarding MOAT soon.

  5. If I decide to do it, it would just be fun discussions (no flames… oh, SO definitely not flames). It would a way for people to keep connected while we await Rance’s next move (if any), with topics and wacky observations from our real or imagined lives. Which means: typing birds okay, bizarro accusations not okay.

    Drew, if you’re still lurking about, sorry about the shrimp reference. It had to be done – but at least it wasn’t raw meat.

  6. Messing with my supply of inexpensive shrimp is a serious matter.

    Just to allay any suspicions that I am Rance, I am back from vacation. And although I ate pie every single day (what’s a vacation without pie?), none of it was apple.

  7. As it happens, we’re having shrimp tonight. And… I had shrimp for lunch. Do you think I eat too much shrimp? Naaaaah.

  8. (in a zillion tiny squeaky voices)
    “yes, Yes, YES! you eat too many shrimp. we can’t find my mommy or my baby brother or cousin emma or cousin randi, or the entire Crustiette clan either! so we’d like to thank waxwing for helping us type this but now we gotta go hide”

  9. Crazy crustaceans! Ya think I got all misty-eyed over the fate met by them oysters after reading “The Walrus and the Carpenter?” Think again!

  10. “Indeed, I cannot think why the whole bed of the ocean is not one solid mass of oysters, so prolific the creatures seem. Ah, I am wandering! Strange how the brain controls the brain! What was I saying, Watson?”
    Sherlock Holmes, in “The Adventure of the Dying Detective”

    (in two zillion tiny squeak voices, plus squirts) “we shall o-ver-commmme, we shall o-ver-commmmmmmmmmmme, we shall o-ver-come TO-DAY!”
    ~shrimps and oysters, United Saltwater Brethern Local 88

    psst, this is ~ww~ . All this talk of shrimp is making me hungry for the little saltwater bugs.
    *flies off to check supply*

  11. Your narrative is strangely compelling. Pray continue. As it happens, even after the shrimp pad thai last night (verdict: not as good as the local Thai restaurant’s)I could still go for the slaughter of more of The Shtrimpses family over at Crimson Crustacean. Mmm.