Cross Staffordshire Terriers Off The List

BERLIN (Reuters) – A snarling Staffordshire terrier trapped a German railway worker at his post for hours and even bit through metal trying to elude capture, police say.

We’re thinking about getting a dog next spring.

Not this kind of dog, I’m thinking.

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2 thoughts on “Cross Staffordshire Terriers Off The List

  1. “Staffordshire terrier” is one of those things like “shepherd”…need more info to know what we’re talking about here. American Staffordshire terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers are very different, for example. Just to add to the confusion, there are bull terriers, bulldogs, (NOT “English bulldogs” btw), American bulldogs, French bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers. Some are wonderful, hardy pets and others are best alone by the vast majority of people. I know a lot about dogs…I’ll shut up now or I’ll keep going. There are websites associated with pet food, usually, that will help you select a breed, but mutts are cool critters too. I’m jealous!

  2. i vote for mutt puppies! i’d get on my soap box if i didn’t have to get ready for work five minutes ago….but i firmly believe we have enough neurotic poodles and unbalanced chows amonst us; mutt puppies have hybrid vigor, are usually very intelligent and deserve second chances. all four of mine are mutt puppies. do a good deed and rescue a critter from death row. rescue two; an older dog that’s certain to be headed for the rainbow bridge and a young one that will play and tease the older one. i’m a staunch advocate for multi-critter households; they’re good company for each other and they are their own home entertainment center.

    good critter huntin’!
