(YAWN) Close Enough For Jazz

Good… GOD! There was much gnashing of teeth over center content that was playing “tag” and “hide ‘n seek” with the side columns on the 3-legged blog today.

Lots of futzing and saving of various close-but-not-quite stylesheets later, I finally tracked down the problem.

It was the italics in the blockquotes. No matter what values I set for the various columns, the italics were just enough to throw it all into confusion.

End result: no more italics in blockquotes. So then what do I do? Download Firefox and muck about a bit more.

Huh. Not bad – it works in both browsers, though what the heck is the dealio with the heavy text? It looks like I’ve got the whole thing set to “bold.” Or perhaps “BOLDASS!!”

But hey – bottom line is the friggin’ 3 column layout nightmare is over.

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