Blogger Burnout

But running the website soon became a dominant activity in his day, and on June 28, Billmon announced: “Last call.” Whiskey Bar would no longer accept comments.

“You’ve only got so many hours in the day, and like most bloggers, I’ve got a full-time day job, and something had to give,” Billmon said. “In the end, monitoring comments on my blog was becoming a progressively larger part of my blogging time, and I just got to the point where I wasn’t able to keep up with it.”

It’s always a shame when a well-written, popular blog stops taking comments, or stops getting new posts from its author. However, the pressure to perform can be enormous (not on this damn thing, obviously).

I’m still having technical problems with the comments on Blogula Rasa: I thought I had uninstalled the MT-Bayesian package that was mistakenly marking all new comments as spam, but it’s still operating. Perhaps some more tweaking (and banging under the hood) is warranted.

Also in the department of tweaks, quirks, and splats: the center column won’t render right until I actually (ugh) do some math and fiddle with the CSS. In the meantime, if there is no post visible on your browser, resize the window in or our slowly until they alll show up.

It works fine in Firefox. Windows: breaks down and cries like a baby unless the edges of the window are juuuuust the right width. I think I’ll be able to fix that, but it involves the dreaded “math kudzu.”

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