Bourne Supremacy

Yep, we went to see it: The Bourne Supremacy

We saw the first film, and I watched it recently on cable, so my memories of the earlier film (and liking for it) were fresh in my mind.

As a sequel, the Bourne Supremacy works really well, and it built plot points on foundations only hinted at in the earlier film. However, there was one part of the story that irked me; David said it was essential to set up Bourne’s motivation, but I thought it was the same old Hollywood hackery that happens to action heroes in the first reel. Grr. You’ll know what I mean if you see the movie. However, I have to admit that it had a great deal of impact.

Speaking of impacts, I had no idea that Russian taxis were so crashworthy (repeatedly).

And hey! It was fun spotting a Two Towers/Return of the King alum.

Edited to add: Yes, I’m a weirdo. I realized right from the beginning that it plays like a particularly violent episode of TAR.
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