The Musical(?) Stylings Shatner And Jackson

Joey reports via a friend’s blog that William Shatner will commit albumery again, this time with actual musicians of note Ben Folds and Joe Jackson, on a project titled (wait for it)… Has Been. I hope this is true, I would totally shell out for it.

Joey concludes with a quote that ought to have been part of Original, Classic, and Still the Cheesiest Star Trek Canon:

Yeoman Rand, you common ensign, you’ve started a warp core breach… IN MY PANTS.

Also not to be missed: a plea for Wil Wheaton to collaborate on something that sounds like it’ll be Punk Polka Geek Trek, and some photos in the continuing series of vignettes of a cow-orker whose life is far more disturbing and entertaining than it ought to be.

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2 thoughts on “The Musical(?) Stylings Shatner And Jackson

  1. Hee! David says “I don’ wanna hear about it.”

    But you know, it’s like a trainwreck. You have to look.