Serenity Has Been Slashdotted

Although the movie isn’t due to open until April 22nd next year, Whedon is ready to show the first clip from from Serenity, the motion picture based on the Firefly series. He’ll do it this weekend at Comic-Con, also present will be the cast from the series/movie (all 9 actors), editor Lisa Lassek, special effects guru Loni Peristere and producer Chris Buchanan. It will take place on Sunday July 25th, 1-2pm, Room 20, afterwards there will be a signing session in room 28DE.

Aaaahhhhh!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!! If I had planned farther in advance and maybe smacked David over the head with the Firefly DVDs a few times, we might have been able to go to this. Just for that one event. Then sneak into the dealer’s room and shop for SF fan goodies.

Crap crap crap crap crap crap CRAP.

Is anyone going to this?

And by the way – the advance buzz on this movie is going to be huge, because there’s something nearly every day in my “Firefly: Serenity” feed search on Bloglines.

Edited to add: AAAAAAAAaaaaaah! ***Dave is going. He decided today. ::gnash gnash::
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