I’ll Tell You How I Really Feel

Vandal Edits Swear Words in Library Books
LAYTON, Utah – A self-appointed editor of library books has given new meaning to “purple prose.” The do-it-yourself censor is turning swear words into “darns” and “hecks” in purple ink.

“They believe it’s within their right to deface public property and impose what they believe on others,” library director Pete Giacoma said.

God FUCKING dammit. Emphasis bloody well added.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while – not only do I believe in the separation of church and state, I think that overt PDPs should be outlawed.

Yeah, I have a problem with the imposed religion, you betcha. Not to mention the hijacking of the national dialogue with endless debate from the morals-and-family-values bunch, who by definition seem to deny that people on the opposing side might have morals, families, and values of their own. Just different ones, that’s all.

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