Elton John Shortly To Be Declared “Un-American”

Elton John has said stars are scared to speak out against war in Iraq because of “bullying tactics” used by the US government to hinder free speech.

Expect the anti-Elton backlash to commence immediately. Fortunately, as a British subject he’s relatively immune. Unfortunately, in reality this probably means that future concerts in any “red” states will shortly be cancelled.

The story doesn’t mention the recent pink slip Whoopi Goldberg received from Slim-Fast for daring to make an anti-Bush and anti-Dick joke at a recent Democratic fund-rasier.

Goldberg accepted the company’s decision but said she had criticised presidents of all persuasions. “While I can appreciate what the Slim-Fast people need to do in order to protect their business, I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American, not to mention as a comic,” she told the Bloomberg news wire.

The added emphasis is mine. What she said, boldface.

If only every person in America who was NOT offended by this joke would contact the Slim-Fast company and simply tell them “Hey, I laughed. I thought it was funny.” But for some reason, the people who seem to have co-opted the word “moral” in this country ALWAYS have the power of veto.

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