Utah Looks Stupid Yet Again

The Salt Lake Tribune — Senate’s gay marriage debate veers into polygamy discussion pretty much says it all.

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3 thoughts on “Utah Looks Stupid Yet Again

  1. I kept looking for that fire and brimstone to rain down as I watched gay couples lining up to get married in San Francisco. I guess the Almighty Creator has more important things on the infinite brain than smiting people who choose to commit their lives to each other out of love. We could only hope our Senate would take the example.

    I flashed by a legal news item about the status of the California cases dealing with the marriage issue, but did not take the time to see what had happened. I am looking forward to reading the Constitutional arguments presented by both sides.

  2. That would be another case where God is in the tub, and is She gonna be pissed they disturbed Her.

    I’m pretty amused that the great majority of Americans have failed to take up arms over this issue. It’s heartening that most people have a “live and let live” attitude. Or at least a “whatever so long as I’m not in the wedding photos” attitude. The people whose morality matters just a little bit more than everyone else’s are puzzled at the lack of outrage.

  3. And now you know why I want to get out of this “fricking” state!!!!!! The “charch” is really becomming a bigger power – they have bought up most of down town – the Triad, etc. I’m waiting for the wall to make it another vatican city. And then we have the self-righteous golfer, Mr. Miller, who wants to shut down the PGA tournaments on Sunday…. that’s bullshit.. I wonder how the Seveth Day Adventists, and Jewish folks feel about that…. maybe they should not play on Saturday either….
    And the beat goes on!!!