Hammer left Iraq with his unit in March, then flew from Kuwait to San Francisco in cargo-class. He traveled first class with an Alley Cat Allies volunteer to Denver. Bousfield met the kitten at the airport. Right, right, right yes, okay I’m crying, but in a good way. That’s one saved.
The Salt Lake Tribune — Senate’s gay marriage debate veers into polygamy discussion pretty much says it all.
Just checking the schedule at our local channel, because TAR is on tonight! I am so stupid about this show. Yes, it’s like an addiction. I’m also addicted to reading Miss Alli’s recaps afterwards, because that’s how I actually got addicted in the first place. How can you not laugh at this: They start by suiting up in white coats, and Alison and Donny are the first to get their beef out of the way. Bob takes the side of beef and immediately predicts that he will never make it a half-mile. Mirna takes the beef for her team (ew),…