BARTLETT — A Bartlett couple were charged with felony forgery after their daughter was caught Sunday trying to use fake tickets for rides at a carnival, authorities said.
In a generous move, they had distributed free tickets to 20 needy children.
Yes, charity begins at home – with a color printer and some card stock.
Hi! I’ve posted before on your site about childfree issues. As I said before, I don’t have much sympathy for the militant childfree whiners (who don’t represent everyone who chooses not to have children). I do however share their disgust with badly behaved children in public. But I don’t know if that’s so much a parent vs. childfree issue. Some of the biggest critics of unruly kids in public are parents themselves (example: my mom, who once loudly referred to an obnoxious six- or seven-year-old at a restaurant as a “brat”). So so much for the “you’re not a parent; you don’t understand” spiel.
Also, I read about your husband being hit on the face by a developmentally disabled man. It made me think because I have tutored a developmentally disabled boy who was just as volatile. I can’t say individuals such as these are “bad;” in many cases their brains just don’t work as they should. But I question for instance the trend of “mainstreaming” children with severe behavioural problems in regular classes. Is it really fair for the teachers, the other students and perhaps even the developmentally slow kids themselves?