Feh, What A Day

I got to be acting team leader again today, oh joy. I had several moments where I realized “I am SO not into being team leader.” These happened when people higher on the food chain than I were asking me for information that I did not have, or to “use my own judgement” and walk the fine line between pissing people off or rolling over and letting them tap dance on my sternum.

Monday – no holiday for me. I get to go in and listen to everyone on my team complain that not only are we the only team in our department whose corporate client mandates that we be there, BUT we’ll be the only people working in our entire building! So we get special badges just so we can get in the building, which will be locked.

I don’t want to need no steekeeng batches. But I gotta.

Oh, and that means I’d better remember to take a lunch Monday, or be forced to drive out and get some. Because the cafeteria will be closed.

I deleted a few posts that I decided were needlessly incendiary, but yes, there was cause to grumble “why bother” today again. Interestingly enough, I was not the only grumbler. I felt quite awed and humble and validated, just like a proper parking stub handed in to be stamped at Nordstrom’s.

But still, I deleted the posts.

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