Sorry, My Ass Just Fell Off

CHICAGO (Reuters) – For want of a small change to the Illinois election law, President Bush’s name is not supposed to be on the state’s November ballot, but officials said one way or another, it will be there.

The glitch arose because the Illinois legislature adjourned earlier this week without extending the Aug. 30 deadline for presidential candidates to be certified by the state elections board and qualify for the Nov. 2 ballot.

Oh! Oh! There went my ass again. It keeps falling off today.

First, Al Franken gets tortured on his show, because Ann Coulter said it had to be done. I cracked up discreetly all over my keyboard, as I really doubt that simulated torture with nipple clips and electricty is really work-safe, do you? Good thing this show is on radio.

And then while checking out the comments for said segment (which were all along the lines of “we love funny! Bring the funny every day!”, someone mentioned the BFB problem my great state of Illinois has. So off I went to check it out, and dang it my ass fell right off again.

The pols will get it sorted out, but boy do our legislators look stupid – well, the Repugnican ones, anyway. The Dems probably sat back and snickered unhelpfully behind their hands, and now we all look stupid. Guess they were a little too in touch with their Inner Child. As in “hee hee! D00d, they totally don’t know! Move to adjourn, I dare you!”

[pause for extended chuckling]


Site Notes

If you want to skip the MT babbling brook o’ technogoo, skip the next paragraph.

After a false start, David got the latest version of MT-Blacklist installed. I couldn’t do it myself because an older version was up at MT-Plugins We tried to use a package called MT-Bayesian, but it’s only partly working and the creator doesn’t recommend using it for now (so that’s why no link). Which is okay, since MT-Blacklist can also delete the stuff, just not in as cool a way as the other plugin could have. And it can’t teach itself to ID spam, either – I have to update it, but that shouldn’t be difficult (and there might be a plug in for that). I might install MT-BlacklistStats, too.

If you skipped over the technogoo, I’ve got some anti-spam stuff running. It got old real fast deleting a small amount of comment spam the other day.

I guess this means I’ve arrived, too. So I’ll have to post a link to my own blacklist once I get going.

Oooh! Shiny Firefly

Yes, it was available at Borders. Yes, the counter guy was puzzled; he’d never heard of it. Yes, I grabbed it with a little “glee!” sound.

Happy birthday to David. Hope you like the Firefly DVD!
(we watched one of the never-aired episodes, “Trash.” Heh. And there are two more. And extras. And then maybe a movie will come out someday. Because they rolled film today.

Bucky haka!

Bucky is either an All Blacks fan, or he’s a rilly, rilly, pissed-off kitty.

Stay out of his way today, or be crushed by his warlike intensity.

(and yes, when the orcs do their war chant and dance steps in The Two Towers, that’s a haka)

Grand Slam

Mrs Norman Maine belts a long, funny one out of the park as guest bloggist at Rance’s place.

Oh, my God. Still laughing at the concept of “Thinga Thong” – programmable musical underwear. BWAAhahahaha…

I wonder when I’ll get my turn at bat? If I do, it’ll be right into the shortstop’s glove with two outs and 3 commenters on. And that’ll be the end of the inning. Game over. 😉

Yellowstone Geysers: Study

A major earthquake in Alaska in 2002 set off lots of smaller quakes in the Yellowstone National Park more than 2,000 miles away, say scientists.

Within hours geysers in the park changed their eruption patterns, according to the journal Geology.

lonestar.jpgVery glad to run across this article. I’d heard about the changes that happened to the geysers, it’s interesting that they connected it with such a distant earthquake event.

And of course, it reminds me of that ski trip from hell in Yellowstone. I think winter after next I’ll be ready for a return to the Snow Lodge.

Yet Another Utah-based Confidence Scam

Yahoo! News – Utah Fitness Charity Files for BankruptcySALT LAKE CITY – A charity accused of ripping off schools around the country on fitness equipment filed for bankruptcy protection Tuesday.

Uh, huh. Funny how often the big-bucks scams that seem so squeaky clean and healthy because they’re based in Utah turn out to be elaborate financial scams, pyramid schemes, or plain old swindles. The principals will now commence to bleating their innocence and good intentions.

TAR5 Premieres July 6th!!

Yahoo!!!Amazing Race 5″ href=””>CBS: The Amazing Race 5 will begin this summer after all, and not be “held” until next fall. There was much talk at TWoP about it, and the press releases seemed to indicate they were “holding” TAR5, but it looks like the next race is on in a little over a month from now, baby!

And as previously thought before all the “held till next fall” wittering, the cast/team bios will be up on the CBS website on Friday June 4th. THIS Friday. Woohoo!!!!

Oh, joy. Rapture! Now if only Phil has burned that fugly sweater from TAR4, my happiness would be complete.

And best of all: the countdown timer is running at TARFlies. Can I get another “wooohooooo?”

Still on deck, whew!

Rance had a new guest bloggist up – good choice, since it was a real stinger. Really blows the hair back with a big “whoof!!” sound.

I’m still on deck with Mrs. Norman Maine. Maybe we should learn to play 2-handed gin rummy online while we’re waiting. The suspense is killing me.

There’s a new and even more wordy “About” section under the ampersands. Thanks again to Elise of “Learning Moveable Type” for the how-to.

I still have to bang some rocks together a little more to get certain macros (yes, yes, okay the goddamn Amazon macro) working there. All it needs is (insert MT-only arglebargle technigoo here) on the template.