UA loses Fed loan guarantee bid

Huh – this is probably not good for the travel industry overall:

WASHINGTON (AP) — United Airlines on Monday lost a bid to secure a federal loan guarantee, a fresh setback to the carrier’s efforts to emerge from bankruptcy. The decision by a federal panel barred the airline from making any other attempts to secure government backing.

The Last But Still Not Best Line of Defense

***Dave pointed me at the Senate testimony of Patricia Friend, president of a flight attendants’ association:

We are trained to fight fires in the air, to administer first aid, to evacuate an aircraft in case of an accident, deal with abusive passengers and to give comfort. We receive comprehensive training in how to handle all these situations onboard the aircraft and are now officially recognized for these roles through FAA certification. Unbelievably, almost three years after the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 we still have not been trained to appropriately handle a security crisis onboard on our airplanes.

Okay, this is a shocking lapse, and something needs to be done about it. Strangely, I know a little tiny bit about the training process for flight attendants at a major airline. And she’s right – they’re not training attendants to be front-line defense against hijackers.

However, their hair and makeup will be impeccable.

Admittedly, my intel is really old. Many years ago, I was sent for training on the SABRE reservation system to American Airlines’ Dallas training center. This was the same place flight attendant trainees were undergoing their 6-8 week training courses, and we scruffy travel agent ladies of a variety of certain ages and shapes didn’t mix much with the FA trainees. They were so inhumanly perfectly coiffed and buffed and polished, I called them “laminates,” and the name stuck.

In spite of their training in dealing with in flight emergencies, fires, and preparing for emergency landings, the flight attendant trainees I saw were most concerned with maintaining an incredibly obsessive standard of personal appearance. This was because they could receive demerits or even be bounced from training at any time if they appeared in class or anywhere during the day with an unironed blouse or mussed hair. My instructor told me the sad tale of a girl from a previous session that had graduated, just barely, and was on her way to the cocktail party to celebrate the end of training. She had a run in her stocking (yes, they wore skirts and stockings everywhere, all day every day) but went on to the party, thinking it didn’t matter anymore.

Well, it did – the demerit was enough to bounce her out of the program, and she was gone.

So anyway, I would have hoped that some things had changed since the bad old days (hey, “Dallas” was still on the air, and Ronnie was President, there’s your clue), but I have this feeling that they haven’t even instituted self-defense classes for FA’s at most airlines. Not to mention change the training so that FA’s no longer automatically cooperate with hijackers.

News flash: they should. And they should be teaching them tactics on how to quickly and effectively organize passengers into a group that can protect the cockpit from intruders.

So Happy To Be Childfree

You have to read the whole thing to get the full-bore comedy gold: Selling Son’s Beloved Play Station 2 For Punishment!

The funny part to me is not that the kid broke something they had up for auction on eBay or that he drank some beer and wine, but that the parent is more upset about the cost of the stuff he broke/consumed more than the fact that he swilled as much booze as he could get his 13-year old, 6’3″ mitts on.

And I see the problem with that, don’t you?

It’s good to be childfree.

Amazing Race is up on TiVo!

TAR5, Episode 1 is set to record automagically on TiVo:

(2004) Eleven teams begin their race around the world at Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles; a medical emergency has one team racing to catch a flight; tensions between teams mount as one team tries to keep an alliance; two teams battle to avoid elimination.

Tuesday 7/6 8:30pm 2 WBBM Duration: 1:30

Ahhhhh!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Insert mental image of me running around and around going “Aaaaaah!” here. Insert mental image of David making plans to spend that evening in the basement with the door closed here.

This only makes sense if you read Rance

Map & Graph: Countries by Mortality: Contact with powered lawnmower (per capita)
…and yes, Moldova is #1! Clever Rance!

And now, a song:

I’m looking over my dead dog Rover
That I overran with the mower
One leg is missing, the other is gone
The third leg is scattered all over the lawn
There’s no use explaining, the one remaining
It flew through the old screen door
Oh, I’m looking over my dead dog Rover
That I overlooked before!

Bush T-Shirt Contest

Announcing a new contest: design a pro-democracy, pro-freedom of choice T-shirt. The catch is, you have to find the model.

And that is why there was a wave of international censorship after George W Bush appeared at the window of an Irish castle wearing a white undergarment, rather than his traditional shirt and tie.

It would be ridiculously easy to do this, which is why it’s apparently such a big deal that the Irish presidency issued a hastily written memo within minutes of the incident. Unfortunately, some images had already been transmitted by the host broadcaster – which I’m assuming was Irish network RTE.

From the description, it probably looked a little like this:

These pictures are the property of the Irish presidency and must not be used for transmission by any service

Someone, somewhere out there has this image. I wonder what fun they’re having with it.

Hmm. Ringer?

Of the various Amazing Race teams, Dennis and Erika seem the most interesting of the “models and beauty queens” set. After all, nekkid skydiving is quite an accomplishment for a girl.

PossiblyErika.jpgOver at TWOP, we’re wondering about this photo, which was taken at TARcon3, the fan-and-racers party that took place the night of the TAR3 finale in New York (yes, that’s right, the Racers show up – some of them come straight from the CBS party as soon as the winners are revealed). As we’re coming up on the fifth season, TARcon5 will be held in New York for the finale as usual. So if this mystery woman is Erika, she’s been a fan for a while.

Which would be cool – a ringer in the Race for TWOP. In this photo, she’s looking over Ian’s shoulder – he and Teri came in third in TAR3.

Of course, it could be some other completely different woman. Who looks a lot like Erika.

People…G-O-P People

Salon (subscription) reports the special version Barbara Streisand sang at the recent fundraiser for John Kerry. It’s too good to cut… it may go down the memory hole, so here it is:

Here are the lyrics as transcribed by the press pool reporter at the fundraiser. All together now:
I mean G-O-People
Who’d believe there’s such people in the world
Bush sees a
Lotta Condoleeza
They’re dividing the planet’s oil
According to Richard Poil
And they’re all just trainees
Of Cheney’s
Now Rumsfeld
We must get rid of Rumsfeld
He’s the spookiest person in the world
As for Powell
He’s neither fish nor fowl
He’s in the back of the room
While they’re all fiddling with gloom
No one’s minding the store
What’s more
Let’s discuss this war we’re lost in
Don’t ask what it’s costin’
What’s a trillion or two to rule the world.
The Senate
Oooo how I want the Senate
All we need is two people in the world
I see a
Antonin Scalia
How I dread every time he sits
Scared out of my Wolfowitz
Time those neocon guys
Were gone byes
??? (pool reporter’s note)
While the globe is frying
And the fishes are dying in the world
And their solution
For all the pollution
Is just to bear it and grin
And practice not breathing in
But things are gonna be great
Just wait
When the White House stationary
Reads President John Kerry
We’ll be the luckiest people in the world