I (heart) Miss Alli, Recapper Royale

The following is why I (heart) TWOP and Miss Alli Stuff from the Mod: READ ME, PLEASE” href=”http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/index.php?showtopic=3111702&st=105&#entry1603112″>TWoP Forums -> The Racer and Racer Accessory Posting Manifesto.

It’s entirely likely that we DO have a TWOP ringer on the fifth installment of The Amazing Race (which will be known henceforth as TAR5), so I “get” why Miss Alli is putting the heads up where Racers and their Accessories might see it just now.

TWOP is a place where past Racers hang out with fans, if they happen to have thick enough skins to overcome the natural tendency to get defensive when viewers snark up their backsides, over the top, and all the way down to their chitlins. Current Racers can’t say anything in public until they’re either eliminated or they finish the Race (in whatever order), so have to suffer the pangs and arrows of outrageously funny snark until the muzzle comes off.

It’s always fun when a popular team shows up after they’ve been eliminated; it’s also fun if an UNpopular team shows up, IF things go well… ie., so long as they don’t charge in self-righteously defending themselves and attacking everyone that snickered about their nose (Alison, in the coming season) or funny waddling run (hello, loveable Clowns!).

All of which is one reason why Miss Alli reposted the Manifesto. It’s also probably a reminder to everyone else to snark on the contestant, but not on the poster… and not to suck up and apologize for everyone else’s snark once the Racers show up in their discussion threads. Snarks is snarks. To apologize for it is to diminish its snarkly beauty. After a few posts, everybody relaxes and has fun asking the newly eliminated questions about behind the scenes stuff, and to clear up points on the timeline that a few dedicated people try to put together from on-screen clues.

In fact, some teams formerly known as having “the luck of the evil” (I’m looking at you, Guidos) can turn into “beloved chaotic-good fan-favorites of yore” simply by being charming and good-natured at fan-run parties and charity events. It’s this last feature that apparently makes attending a TARCon (a TWOP sponsored fan party in New York for the Finale) fascinating, because you get to watch Racers approach Miss Alli and try to break the ice, and then go and work the crowd. One racer from the first season was universally reviled until he came up to Miss Alli at the party and hugged her. Aw! His redemption arc occured after his season ended.

The Amazing Race is the best reality show on TV, and Miss Alli is its recapper.

I had a moment where I and a few others tonight thought that CBS was going to be re-running TAR1 (that’s the first season, y’all) on Saturdays, but actually the generic description defaults to first season, first episode if the full title of the current season isn’t used on TiVo and other online television scheduling services.

This moment was fun while it lasted, followed by crushing disappointment, followed by the realization that the premiere is just over a week away.

As the current TV ad says: “It’s an emotional roller-coaster.”

I should find those earplugs we had on a recent plane trip for David – he’ll need them.

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