Second Hand (Bo’s)

My cow-orker Bovina has returned from her vacation or family leave or whatever. She normally logs in at 830, but is always here way, way early.

So this morning she put her name on the sign up sheet for “down-time” (an unpaid time off request) at 8:15 frickin ACK EMMA. She wasn’t even officially “here” yet. A fact that was pointed out to her, in a joking/not really joking way, by a couple of other people. The fact that she signs up every day there’s a down-time list posted has become a joke to more than a few folks.

I mean, why bother to show up?

Fortunately, the air circ today is blowing the stale tobacco smell the other way for once. So I’m not necessarily rooting for the down-time for her today.

On the other hand, it’s a fun day today – there’s food (I didn’t participate in that, it’s just an excuse to overeat I don’t need) and we’re wearing hats and (some of us) bedroom slippers. It helps. But I’m on the edge of grouch mode nevertheless.

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