Site Notes

If you want to skip the MT babbling brook o’ technogoo, skip the next paragraph.

After a false start, David got the latest version of MT-Blacklist installed. I couldn’t do it myself because an older version was up at MT-Plugins We tried to use a package called MT-Bayesian, but it’s only partly working and the creator doesn’t recommend using it for now (so that’s why no link). Which is okay, since MT-Blacklist can also delete the stuff, just not in as cool a way as the other plugin could have. And it can’t teach itself to ID spam, either – I have to update it, but that shouldn’t be difficult (and there might be a plug in for that). I might install MT-BlacklistStats, too.

If you skipped over the technogoo, I’ve got some anti-spam stuff running. It got old real fast deleting a small amount of comment spam the other day.

I guess this means I’ve arrived, too. So I’ll have to post a link to my own blacklist once I get going.

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