TAR5 Premieres July 6th!!

Yahoo!!!Amazing Race 5″ href=”http://www.cbs.com/primetime/amazing_race5/”>CBS: The Amazing Race 5 will begin this summer after all, and not be “held” until next fall. There was much talk at TWoP about it, and the press releases seemed to indicate they were “holding” TAR5, but it looks like the next race is on in a little over a month from now, baby!

And as previously thought before all the “held till next fall” wittering, the cast/team bios will be up on the CBS website on Friday June 4th. THIS Friday. Woohoo!!!!

Oh, joy. Rapture! Now if only Phil has burned that fugly sweater from TAR4, my happiness would be complete.

And best of all: the countdown timer is running at TARFlies. Can I get another “wooohooooo?”

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