All-Inclusive, All Canadian

It’s not my Canada, but I like visiting it; its culture, humor, scenery and food have long been favorites. Did you know that much that is funny in North America is actually of Canadian origin? This is because we Merkins have become a nation of humorless stiff-necked religious wackjobs, and we are unable to laugh at ourselves and our so-called sacred traditions of patriotism and love of country. This is not the case in Canada, where this sort of thing is done much more tastefully, without the boo-ra chest-thumping (not to mention the tattered 4X6 truck flags stapled to a stick and jammed on the back of a pickup). Patriotism can be tasteful and interestingly ethnic, as Joey tirelessly proves over and over.

Now, I really must find the lyrics to “Ren And Stimpy’s Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen.”

AB Gettin’ Buff

Seen at Alton Brown: Rants & Raves! – Alton’s going on a sensible diet – and he’ll post a picture of himself wearing nothing on but a bathing suit on July 30th, whether his diet helps him make his weight goal or not.

He’s been working out with a trainer all year, lifting weights, but to lose fat he’s going to eat right and cut high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats out completely.

Check back and see how he’s doing at the end of July.


cyborg.jpgOkay, this is funny enough that we sat and plugged in all kinds of names: David, Steve, Joe, Jim, Studebaker, and Red. Then we plugged in David’s dad’s name, and just now I plugged in my MIL and my mom, with predictably funny results. The other image choices are a kind of elegant C-3PO knockoff, and a cheezy femmebot.

So naturally, I went with the big red maimbot.

As seen at Pale Blue Dot: Get your cyborg name

Must Resist Temptation…

COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Five days into the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, with the superpowers on the brink of confrontation, President Nixon was too drunk to discuss the crisis with the British prime minister, according to newly released transcripts of tape recordings.

…must not give in to desire to play with “find and replace”…

1973 Arab-Israeli war=Second Gulf War
confrontation=open defiance in the U.N.
President Nixon=President Chimpy

That’s Entertainment

I was thinking the other day about the entertainment industry – as in why do we have one, for instance.

Why do we pay $11 to see movies – is it the witty banter, glamourous settings and costumes, thrilling plots? No, for the most part, it’s because we like to see stuff blowin’ up:

But according to Richard Ouzounian, who runs the Youngstown Warren Film Commission, the town is a virtual film set waiting to happen. It has an airport, complete with a new terminal and 9,000-foot runway, which handles only four flights a week. It has a 2,016-bed prison that houses only 21 inmates. There’s also an empty hospital as well as empty schools and libraries.

“You have industrial sites,” Ouzounian says. “Unlike most cities where they don’t want you blowing things up, around here they’d be thrilled to death if somebody came here and blew up some of this stuff up!”

Now, I’m an avowed fan of stuff blowin’ up, although I do like a good cerebral problem-solving story, or well-conceived character development. A decent Stargate episode, for example, does not have to have a big ‘splody finale to be totally satisfying.

Actually, this story of the town willing to let its underutilized infrastructure be destroyed or taken over for weeks at a time by a film crew sounds a little familiar. Wasn’t there a town in North Dakota making a similar offer a couple of years ago?
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And still more great news

LONDON – Far from being crippled by the U.S.-led war on terror, al-Qaida has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq (news – web sites) is swelling its ranks, a report said Tuesday.

Gee, that prisoner abuse story couldn’t have worked out better for the bad guys. Way to go, military-industrial complex.

Great. Just Great.

Of most concern, the official said, is that terrorists may possess and use a chemical, biological or radiological weapon that could cause much more damage and casualties than a conventional bomb.

Fabulous. Time to buy the duct tape.

Tommy Guns Garage

Right. We’re suburbanites. We hardly ever go to downtown Chicago – except for that time recently when I had jury duty at 26th and California. However, we made an exception because of Hanukkah.

Here’s how things work in this family – sometimes it’s hard to get everyone together unless it’s one of those holidays that you’re supposed to keep clear. So when my mother-in-law tried to organize a Hanukkah/holiday season get-together, it was harder than ever this year. One of my sisters-in-law is in law school, the other has 4 kids, and their spouses (spice) are also busy and hard to corral. We like to see a show or some kind of big entertainment of some kind after the holidays are over, but couldn’t make any dates work in January, and it just never eased off until now.

So Sunday night we went down to da Tommy Guns Garage for our Hanukkah treat. We woulda gone fer Mudder’s Day but wouldn’tcha knowwit, dey were all too busy. And they have these jamokes and… well, you get the idea. It’s a dinner theater where the cast are also the waitstaff, and there’s a lot of improv-type humor and audience participation. It was my mother-in-law’s idea, and we went along with it because, well, we’d put it off so long, we just wanted to get it over with before next Hanukkah.
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Yellow Plastic Men At Work

Yellow Plastic Men At WorkThese little yellow dudes come out anytime there’s a problem in our buildings – they’re protecting the area where broken safety glass may have fallen from the shattered window on our floor.