The Long Nightmare is Over

Well, I’ve put an 8-hour day into screwing around trying to get something to work again.

So now, let’s talk about the house again, shall we? The “kitty garden” is growing fairly well, except that the lawn service guys keep cutting the hell out of it with their big string trimmer. I keep forgetting to put some fencing around it; they came earlier than expected this weekend and caught me again with no fence and no little sign in Spanish saying “Favor de no cortar” which I hope is a fairly polite way of saying “please don’t cut (these).” However, here’s the kitty birdwatching statue installed in its place of honor. Some of the plants are doing pretty well, some are not (I think it’s too much wind and rain in addition to all the string-trimmer damage).

The result of all the incessant blogging: a somewhat satisfying feeling of self-expression, a lot of weeding and planting yet undone, and a few extra pounds on me (and I seem to be taking on water).

Add to that, it’s been rainy a lot here lately (that’s why they have this thing called “flooding” up in Gurnee), so that it’s a little too mooshy to do much in the flower beds, so I’ve been inside all day except for a couple of trips outside to check out the flowerbeds and pull a little grass out of them. Also, the lavender I put in last year is REALLY growing and has sent up lots off lovely scented spikes. I lost most of it the first year owing to a too-enthusiastic application of bug stuff and/or weed stuff by ChemLawn.

I’m reminded of a story – the sad tale of Todd the Bass. Todd the Bass lived in a lake and swam happily around all day. Unfortunately, he was rather stupid. One day, he saw a yummy worm on a shiny hook on a line from above, weighted down with a lead sinker, and swallowed it whole. As he was hauled upwards to the surface, his friends gathered below him, shouting “You stupid bass, Todd! Never swallow anything hook, line and sinker!”

Well, I feel like a stupid bass Todd too, because of all the dinking around. I’d like to get at least a few things done around the yard this weekend, but it’s likely the weather will be even worse tomorrow.

I’d like to get the England trip journal and the homecoming story finished, too.

And start blogging more crap precious memories rather than merely regurgitating news stories that get my dander up, adding a snippet of opinion, and calling it a “post.”

Oh… and I really need to update the church webpage, or I’m going to get yelled at tomorrow. We’re putting on a car show in August (hee hee, they’re calling it “Holy Rollers”), and I’m supposed to find some sponsors for prize. Have not clue one how to go about it or how I’m supposed to do it while also doing a little thing I like to call “gainful employment.”

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