I will not cry at work, I will not cry at work

There are times when I think people are capable of not being so bad after all — times when it’s impossible to keep the grin from spreading, and you wonder if you’re really worthy of all this spontaneous stranger-loving goodwill, and maybe they should save it for the elderly ladies who must’ve been through so much more. I feel like a kid — a 28-year-old who’s lucky and ahead of the game, even though my straight peers all seem already married and property-owning, but they’re in such a different world, these guys are closer, really, and even the straight cheerleaders can’t quite know what it’s about, though they’re intoxicated by it all, too. I love you, Brian. I’m happy we had such an event instead of the usual boring trip to the city clerk’s office. I’m so happy we can get married this week, though I still can’t quite believe it, and probably won’t until it’s a few weeks behind us. There are times when it all seems alright, deliciously sweet and good and strange, when the world is just surreal in a good way, and the difference between me and you and us and them and that kid over there becomes impossible to wrap my brain around, and it’s easier to just be happy for everything, as you realize that lightness is the sky just before dawn, and isn’t that a lark singing? Some radiant songbird singing as we slip into sleep.

…I will not cry at work, I will not cry at work.

Dear spiders, robots and lurkers (oh my):

You owe it to yourselves to read the full account of Couple 243 from the beginning. In a little while, I’ll go home and give my husband a big sloppy smooch and tell him how much I love him. I love everybody right now… well, I don’t love sucky mean people like Phred Felps, but I feel warm affection at the thought that there were so few of his ilk and so many joyful well-wishers in Cambridge that stayed until the wee hours of the morning.

This is one of the really great things about blogging – once in a while someone writes something really good and really timely in a way that puts you there with them in the moment. It helps to make up for all the endless blather about MT/CSS/Wordpress/Textile/Textpattern/HTML/FunkyValidator gadgetty blahdeblah.

Sometimes, it’s all just about the words on the screen.

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