Onion: An Oldie but Goodie

Had to go looking to find this:

MINNEAPOLIS, MN: In a turn of events the 30-year-old characterized as “horrifying,” Kevin Widmar announced Tuesday that his mother Lillian has discovered his weblog.

“Apparently, Mom typed [Widmar’s employer] Dean Healthcare into Google along with my name and, lo and behold, PlanetKevin popped up,” Widmar said. “I’m so fucked.”

In an e-mail sent to Widmar Monday, Lillian reported in large purple letters that she was “VERY EXCITED :)!!!” to find his “computer diary,” but was perplexed that he hadn’t mentioned it to her.

Upon receipt of the e-mail, Widmar mentally raced through the contents of his blog. He immediately thought of several dozen posts in which he mentioned drinking, drug use, casual sex, and other behavior likely to alarm his mother.

“I don’t have one of those sites that’s a big tell-all about one-night stands and wild parties,” Widmar said. “I mostly write about the animation I like or little things that happen to me and my friends. But there are definitely things in there that I wouldn’t, well, write home to Mom about.”

Fortunately for Widmar, Lillian’s comments about the site indicate that she has not delved deeply into its contents.

“Mom’s main comment was that I look tired in the photos from my birthday party, so I’m guessing that she didn’t get past the first page yet,” Widmar said. “She will, though. She will.”

Still tinkering with a blockquote stylesheet with MTMacro, thought I might as well entertain myself in the meantime.

Maundy Thursday

The Ineffable Bass asks:

Hopefully you haven’t ruined your mind yet with that Harry Potter stuff, ’cause I have a question:

What time is the choir assembling on Thursday night? And the service is at 8 pm, right?

We’re getting there at about 730pm, the Maundy Thursday service is at 8pm. The vigil lasts until midnight, but the formal service (that we sing at) isn’t longer than a normal service, IIRC.

Which reminds me that I really need to update the church website.

Eeesh, Front Page. Eeesh.

CSS and Quotes

I’m home sick today – Chicago’s spring allergy season is in full swing, and the coughing fits (asthma, yadda yadda) had me up all night. I felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath at work without coughing yesterday. Bleh. Lousy air quality in that building, always has been.

So I’m fooling around with blockquotes today.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean sodales, est a dictum ultrices, tellus metus venenatis ipsum, eu tristique risus urna id elit. Pellentesque lacus est, congue non, consequat a, viverra in, nunc. Curabitur libero erat, ornare eu, congue quis, cursus quis, lorem. Donec bibendum mauris non lacus. Aenean dui turpis, pulvinar nec, tempor id, congue non, mauris. Nulla neque. Curabitur non sem. Quisque hendrerit quam blandit leo. Mauris tempor nisl. Duis nec diam. Praesent nec erat sit amet sem iaculis ultricies. Ut elit velit, ullamcorper at, aliquam nec, accumsan accumsan, velit. Ut in nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean ipsum. Nunc lobortis bibendum turpis. Quisque nonummy ipsum at sem. In tristique eros vitae justo. Etiam in felis vitae sapien scelerisque dapibus.

Farscape Has In Fact Been Mostly Dead

Thanks to ***Dave I now know that Farscape is coming back.

And that makes me happy happy boingity boingity yippy yippy puff puff cough cough collapse in chair happy.

However, it’s apparent that there’s a major spoiler if you click on this link (but nothing David and I didn’t predict).

I’m just saying that in all the pink and red and black little bits of matter in the final moments of the final Farscape episode, there was no fleshtoned stuff at all. And that means…nekkidness

Allergy (achoo!) Season

It’s been a miserable day today at work – I’ve had some sort of allergy blow-up. The air quality at the office has always been horrible. I went looking for statistics and found Allergy.com – Pollen Graph.

I’ll need it – although several of us complained all day about stuffy air, and specifically mentioned that it was hard to breathe, my team leader looked totally blank when I asked if she could check with the building management people and have them check the air circulation.

I’ve felt all day as if I had my head in a slightly warm oven, with dust and smoke and extra humidity and (what?) the scent of baked cookies catching in my throat all day. I took precautions and used the asthma inhaler this morning and the “nasey-poof” (Naso-nex or Flo-nase, they’re all “nasey-poofs” to me) in addition to the Zyrtec I take year-round. And it all wore off after lunch, and I didn’t bring any more with me.

Blaaaaargh. (coff, coff)(sniff). I’m pretty sure it’s allergies and not a cold. I wonder if it’s the follow-on from the slight sore throat I had late Friday night.

Oh, rats, time to rush off to choir practice, I have to miss listening to Majority Report until later.

Deep Space Nine

Arrrrgh… we didn’t set up TiVo right for this:`Deep Space’ boldly goes to Spike TV… we set it to record the whole marathon, but forgot to set TiVo to keep more than 5 episodes at a time.

D’oh. We like DS9 when it was on, but missed a lot because it was shown at a weird time here. Maybe they’ll continue repeating, though, and we’ll catch up eventually, as we did with Stargate-1