Codemonkeys A Go Go

tag || HTMLSource ]” href=””>Advanced CSS | custom stylesheet classes, ids, conditional style, the @import method and the tag || HTMLSource ]

Ah, hmm. This tells me I was doing something wrong with this next CSS for Dummies trick last night.

background: #FFF;

ETA: Bugger it, this still isn’t working right.

However, it’s better. I removed the border style attribute, which was messed up by MT’s insistence on adding break tags. There may still be a simple solution to getting it to display in a box.

This makes day 2 or 3 that I’ve been banging the rocks together (and on my head). I’ve looked at a LOT of different ways to do this. I can’t look at any more.

Must. Go. Bed. Need. Sleep. (Part Deux)

The Trickle Down Effect

Just now, various search terms referencing “The O’Franken Factor” have been (by far) the most frequent in my referral logs. It’s about 65-70% when all the variations on “ofranken” are accounted for.

Now I’m starting to see a few queries on other personalities on AAR:

majorityreport (yay!)
majorityreportradio (again with the yay)
majority report irc channel (heh!)
ralph nader randi rhodes (I heard this – scary, but it needed to be said – or screamed)
sue ellicott

All well and good. However, this one really makes me wonder (I may have missed a joke in a recent Majority Report show):

sam-seder bowtie or bow-tie (huh???)

Crazy Like A…

…fox, or crazy like a bedbug?

NEW YORK – Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling was taken to a Manhattan hospital early Friday after several people called police saying he was pulling on their clothes and accusing them of being FBI (news – web sites) agents, a police source told The Associated Press.

Maybe the FBI is following him everywhere, and deploying agents with wires and concealed weapons. Or maybe they’re not, and he’s nuts.

Stylesheet info

blockquote {
font-family: verdana, georgia, arial, serif;
color: #2F4F4F;
background: #F5F5F5;
padding: 20px;
border: 1px solid;

This is the CSS for it – note, it’s not .blockquote but just “blockquote” in the style sheet, because I’m using an HTML tag as the name of the style element.

Blockquote Ta Da

Okay, so I figure out how to get blockquotes styled with David’s help.

Now I need to figure out how to get a favicon working.

But that’s for tomorrow. This is a test post, because something else isn’t working (what now?)

X-Files Redux

Well, we were never big fans of the series, but we did see the movie and mostly follow along after getting crib sheets from the Internet. It appears there’s something else out there – another movie, that is.

“I’m at the point where I finally miss it,” Duchovny said. “I wanted the grind to end, but I never wanted the show just to end. And I’d always had this fantasy and hope that it would be a movie franchise. Hopefully, this second movie will give it a foundation as such.”

Oh, so now he’s ready to come back? Guess it wasn’t that exciting, career-wise, after “Evolution.”

List, O List

There’s been a website for To-Do Lists for a while now, so I thought I’d take a look at it as long as I have a little list of my own.

Things To Do This Week(End)

  • Bring fruit salad for work food day thing tomorrow
  • Get extra for 2nd fruit salad for reception after Easter Vigil
  • Clean out garage, get mower loaded into RAV.
  • Start some seeds.
  • Do some yard cleanup.
  • Get to Holy Moly with fruit salad in tow by 730pm.
  • Happy Easter! Sleep in, no church Sunday morning.
  • Try to accomplish something undone from list before leave house at 12pm
  • Remember! Take mower and Melissa’s card with us to Dan & Deb’s!

Sheesh. Fun weekend.