Moblog: Flailing Soon

Oh, crap, here we go. I’ve tinkered with my own gallery, and have yet to upload many pictures, but I can at least do it easily enough.

Now I’d like to have the ability to do a little moblogging from the road, if possible. Ideally, send images to the sidewall area that’s currently occupied by several static images. It’d be nice to have them change in random order, with new images added via email. How to make a moblog sidebar in MovableType

Mfop2 etc.

Alternatively, there’s a way to moblog to Gallery, or integrate Gallery within MT rather than just link to it as I do now, which might be the easiest to set up right now. Here’s a search to browse.

Also: Photoblog/Moblog resorce page at Living Room

Moblogging website services


Gallery moblog tutorial

Method used by Joi Ito and others

Blue Here Now citizen c-phone photoblogging

This last looked really, really interesting, but I couldn’t take the time at work to really delve into it, so I saved all the research for later. I may or may not get something working before the trip. In any case, I can moblog by hand if I have to.

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