***Dave Does the Blog passed along a virus meme, so I decided to play. 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions Then I’ll show you the Eclipse Workbench User Guide, an in-depth guide to the features of the workbench. Not that I understand what this book is about – just that it was physically closest to me on the right hand side. In fact, Joe’s a friend of ours, and we’re having dinner with him on…
Once again, Neil Gaiman finds a clever gizmo when he’s supposed to be looking for his lost notebook: Firewire Dino! Here comes Firewire Dino! The coolest 4-port Firewire Hub on the planet! Firewire Dino is stomping through town and he means business. With piercing red eyes and an open mouth that lights up when plugged in to the Firewire bus, Firewire Dino is as menacing as he is useful. When he’s not destroying your desk* he’s helping you with your Firewire connectivity problems. Among its many essential Key Features… 4 ports to expand your computers Firewire capabilities Menacingly fast 400…