
I went to Ask Peeves today and found that my work firewall won’t let me access the site, probably because it has naughty langwidge. Langwidge!!

Suffice to say, I’m peeved today.

  • It’s Take Yer Sprog To Work Day
  • The air conditioning is blowing Reekette’s stale tobacco funk in my face
  • This makes my chest tight, my eyes water, and of course there’s coughing and sneezing too
  • Didn’t bother to bring inhaler or nasey-poof spray because allergies had improved
  • I forgot I was supposed to dress up today because of a visiting VIP
  • I ran late
  • Placeholder for a peeve to be named later
  • It’s only 10 o’clock and the day is going ve-r-r-r-ry slo-o-o-w-w-wly
  • Tomorrow I have international desk
  • Today and all week I have hotel desk
  • Although I ought to be de-peeved that I’m not serving jury duty…
  • I’m peeved because I can’t find out anything about the case I’d be on
  • Reekette called just now to ask me about a change to a partially used ticket
  • Reekette has asked me this question one thousand times in the 2 1/2 years she’s been here
  • I’m peeved about unnecessary government censorship
  • And the same for corporate censorship
  • I vow to resist the social pressure to become a mealy-mouthed namby-pamby, goddamit
  • Insert other obscenities as required

At least the two sproggen my team members brought in are mature and well-behaved. I conditionally approve of them. This approval may be rescinded at any time if they act up, however. In the meantime, I handed them spare handsets so they can listen to their parents’ incoming calls and get a better idea of what their jobs are like. At the moment, they’re at some scheduled activity, where I hope someone is keeping them all together in a herd somewhere, under controlled conditions and with tranquilizer darts locked and loaded in their air rifles.

One year, the Spawn of Hell (in the form of a giggling pack of pawky pre-tweens) roamed the building, playing on the elevators and pushing the buttons for all floors before jumping off each car. I will be watching and maintaining constant vigilance against this behavior. Vigilance! Since that year, however, the Sprog Day event organizers have been careful to put together activities to keep the sprogeny occupado y no muy ruidoso. This trend had better be continued this year or someone will feel the wrath of my peevishness.

That is all for now.

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