The Jury’s Out

I had jury duty today. I’m extremely happy to announce that I don’t have jury duty tomorrow – I’m not sure why not, but I was excused after the first round of “voir dire.”

I was excused by the prosecutors – first one called up to sit in the jury box, first one excused. As I was leaving with one of the other lucky excusees, I leaned over and whispered “score!” gleefully (we were out in the hallway with our checks for $17.50 in hand).

I wouldn’t mind serving – just not at California Avenue Criminal Court. It’s a pain to get to, and it’s in a dicey area. Also, I’d never driven myself into Chicago alone before, and I hate, hate, hate driving somewhere unfamiliar. Fortunately, I made no wrong turns in spite of the slightly wacky directions Mapquest gave me.

Oh, if only I still had the Crazy 8’s “Nervous in Suburbia” T-shirt from 20 years ago! I’d wear it and be proud – I was so anxious about the drive in this morning that I got drymouth. And I don’t have to go in tomorrow – if I had been picked as a juror, I’d have been obligated to serve until Thursday or Friday.

And yes, I blogged it – in a leather notebook. I’ll transcribe it tomorrow. There are no photos to go with and slow the process down.

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