Hey, Kuri at Mediatinker.com is another member of the Redheaded Band. She had a makeover done at MAC in Japan. I wonder how their colors “suitable for redheads” stack up against the Just For Redheads ones? I had a makeover (or my colors analyzed) years ago (actually, two different times, in different towns) and the result was the same for both: I ended up with a very limited palette of colors to choose from, because my eye color and hair color are in different “seasons,” and was also told that I’d always have trouble finding foundation light enough for my…
Consider: In Berkeley, an event featuring three authors whose bestselling books at least touch on the Bush presidency (generally critically) drew 3,600 people who paid $15 a ticket. The panel featured Al Franken, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman (“The Great Unraveling”) and former Republican strategist Kevin Phillips (“American Dynasty”). Proceeds went to KPFA-FM radio and Global Exchange, an international human-rights group. Tickets sold out immediately, said Bob Baldock, the station’s public-events producer and a former bookstore owner. “I think people are hungry for information,” he said. “They want the opinions, not just from hacks that go on television all…
I just can’t believe this: Yahoo! News – Poll: Most Americans Oppose Gay Marriage
Offered without comment: BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Media giant in ‘obscenity’ cull
Perhaps I should rename this category “Mindbendingly Boring Technical Details of a Blog/MT/HTML/CSS N00b.” Honest, I’ve been on the Internet since 1994. Granted, much of that time was on AOL. And I freely admit that my technical expertise consists of my husband and the phrase “Honey? How do I…”