Allergy (achoo!) Season

It’s been a miserable day today at work – I’ve had some sort of allergy blow-up. The air quality at the office has always been horrible. I went looking for statistics and found – Pollen Graph.

I’ll need it – although several of us complained all day about stuffy air, and specifically mentioned that it was hard to breathe, my team leader looked totally blank when I asked if she could check with the building management people and have them check the air circulation.

I’ve felt all day as if I had my head in a slightly warm oven, with dust and smoke and extra humidity and (what?) the scent of baked cookies catching in my throat all day. I took precautions and used the asthma inhaler this morning and the “nasey-poof” (Naso-nex or Flo-nase, they’re all “nasey-poofs” to me) in addition to the Zyrtec I take year-round. And it all wore off after lunch, and I didn’t bring any more with me.

Blaaaaargh. (coff, coff)(sniff). I’m pretty sure it’s allergies and not a cold. I wonder if it’s the follow-on from the slight sore throat I had late Friday night.

Oh, rats, time to rush off to choir practice, I have to miss listening to Majority Report until later.

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