Hot Off The Presses

On Your Radio Dial

Woops, here’s a cool thing or three:

MAJORITY REPORT RADIO, the night show on Air America with Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder, has its own blog. They mentioned Atrios by name, but there was some confusion over whether Atrios or someone else was interviewed.

More radio news – hey, WXRT has a live feed now!! I’ve been looking for this for a while – the last time I checked was a few months back. Maybe I missed it, buried as it was in the lower left corner under all the screen chaff. But they’re an AOL broadband partner, and I finally fingered out that they’re right there on the little AOL radio tuner under “AOL Recommends.” They also have a separate player on the website.

Hah! They’ve got their April Fools hat on. They just bleeped out half the words of an innocuous Beatles song. Earlier, some guy was breaking in and saying “hi.” Some other guy keeps coming in and saying something else. Dang, they got me, I just posted a complaint about it on their “feed feedback” link. Their entire broadcast is santized for your protection today. Watch the blinking “Chicago’s Finest Decent Rock” banner. They just played “Eight Miles High In The Sky”

I forgot that they mess very elaborately with listeners’ heads today, of all days.

That reminds me – I really, really hope the news item I heard on :NPR this morning about the Republicans suing the Kerry election people over illegal campaign contributions by a large liberal conspiracy is another Fools’ contribution. I was half asleep when I heard it.

Come to think of it… dammit, Bob Edwards’ leaving the show had better be a really good setup for the greatest :NPR spoof of all time.