Rad Radio

There are pockets of insane sanity in Utah – some of them are served by KRCL. I ran across the station one sleepless night on a trip “home” to Utah, at a pre-David time of my life when I’d end up sleeping in my old room at Mom’s house. There was usually a moment (usually late at night) when I’d start scanning for a radio station that sounded like it wasn’t based in Utah (translation: liberal politics, flexible musical format). And so I found KRCL, which intrigued me. It’s typical for a small :NPR station in the mountain states – underfunded, but passionate. Another such is the excellent little station in Carbondale, CO – KDNKwhich also has an Intenet streaming feed. And then there’s my all-time favorite public radio station in Colorado, KUNC – and they also have a feed, too. Yay!

And now the KRCL website has led me to check out WinAmp at last. I know nothing about what I’m doing with it, but it’s sure cool to play with. Shame I can’t use it on the work computer (no downloads allowed).

(About an hour later)

Good doG. I’m IMing with my sister, blogging, and watching the pilot episode of Futurama on something called SaltWaterChimp.com. Next up: Monty Python. After that: the first episode of Cowboy Bebop, in Japanese with English subtitles.

I will never be able to explain this to my mom.

Never Again

Yesterday was from hell, but in a good cause, and a great party.

My mother-in-law talked us into hosting a “surprise” birthday party for my father-in-law and 50 of his closest friends and relations. Here at the house. I didn’t blog anything about it for lo, these several months because there was a chance that he’d hear about this website from another family member.

Now the story can be told of events leading up to Our Living Nightmare. A good time was had by all, apparently, except us.
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Today’s Chopin Liszt

Oy, we’ve got a lot of errands today, and then dinner later with David’s parents… about that latter item, more later.

This is one of the last two weekends before we take off for Utah, and there are a lot of doodads and things we needed for the house that we wanted to get before then.

So in mostly logical order, we’re going to Eddie Bauer at Woodfield (David), Costco (me), Bed Bath & Beyond (both of us, for a lot of house-y stuff we need to replace), Toys R’ Us (UGH!! The Hellmouth! Need to buy a gift card for a niece there), Binny’s (David needs some good English beer, I need cider, we both need wine), Valli’s Produce (odds and ends of groceries, with an international flair – all are belong to me).

The new furniture was delivered yesterday morning (at freakin’ 7 ack emma) and looks very nice indeed – it needs to be repositioned after we get back. Man, it’s comfortable, and I’d like nothing better than to spend some time sitting on it, but no joy there. Maybe tomorrow.

We’ve got a container bin full of videos and CDs that now can be stored properly in the new entertainment cabinet. Sadly, the little man that came to adjust the height of the one built-in shelf wasn’t able to make the adjustment, so we have to leave the tuner up on top. Eh, I can live with it for a while longer. Supposedly there’s another solution in the works to get all the shtuff inside. There’s apparently a cabling issue – the expensive bit of inter-component cabling – the most expensive one, naturally – is too short for us to put all the components in the side cabinet, so the tuner and TiVo have to be grouped near each other, near the TV. Hence the problem with the wrong-size shelf over the TV, that’s too small for the height of the tuner.

Furniture gripes. Jeez. My problems=hill o’ beans.

Anyway, lots of tasks and chores and shtuff to buy. Better get moving.

Memo: Try This Later

Learning Movable Type: Displaying Categories is just the thing I’ve been looking for: how to get the category to show up in the body of each post.

In the later comment, I’m pretty certain the issue with unwanted underlining is a CSS issue, will check on that, too.

Learning Moveable Type helped me out before when I added the comments to the sidebar, and keeps giving me ideas of new things to try. It’s a lot easier figuring out how to do something when it’s presented so clearly and sans technomagery.

Psychobunny (Qu’est Que C’est?)

One of my team members is somewhat psychotic about decorating for holidays. Actually, we used to have several such – the sort of folks who go overboard buying the latest giant illuminated inflatable Santas at Christmas, who buy up half Walmart in their quest to get a good deal on dancing hamsters dressed as Elvis, singing fish, and anything that lights up and is shiny (they’re kind of like the magpies of kitsch, really).

Anyway, the one psycho Person of Questionable Taste decided we needed something for the holiday doldrums; ie., that period between Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. So she went out and bought this lovely item, and brought it in and plugged it in for all to enjoy.


It lights up! It’s got fiber optics that turn different colors! It’s shiny!1!
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Suffer, The Little Children

BBC NEWS | Americas | Mother charged in Caesarean row

Um. “Did not want her cosmetic appearance disfigured” does not go with the photo, somehow.

It’ll probably turn out to be a misunderstanding based on some wacko “only in Utah” twist.

According to the Salt Lake Trib, the surviving twin, a girl, has already been adopted.

If she didn’t want the babies in the first place, why go through with a full-term pregnancy? Oh, never mind, she may have had moral objections to one well-known remedy for “oopses”. (irony mode on).

I just don’t get it.

On a side note – didn’t fail to notice that the law in Utah referenced in the Trib link penalizes women who make “bad” (ie., against Charch teachings) choices when pregnant. It’ll be interesting if there’s ever a case of “in utero child abuse” brought against a clean-living, drug and drink-free LDS lady.

As for me, still happy to be childfree (and lucky I figured it out at a young age).

Just Stepped Out To Get Some Funny

I realized that I was completely out of funny, after reading today’s news, so I stepped out to Fanatical Apathy to get some.

That’s better.

Adam’s on his much-delayed honeymoon (or is hiding out from fanatically apathetic fans on a tropical island with his better half)((he reports that his marriage is also just fine after thousands of gay weddings in the last month)).

And now, bedtime. (not as cool as Pepys’ signoff, but it’ll have to do)