Hello, Visa? Come In, Visa…

Today’s Get Fuzzy laid me out helpless on the floor… just go there and look at it and tell me that Bucky’s ear jammed up against the phone isn’t the funniest thing you’ve seen all day.

And for the record, “Tricky Woo” was the name of Mrs. Pumphrey’s overfed, overindulged Peke in the “All Creatures Great And Small” books. Darby Conley’s playing homage to a different kind of funny animal story with the name.

And she was a he, for the record. The other thing he was well known for, besides being horribly fat and out of condition, was for occasionally going “bezique” on the front lawn.

Damn, I just lurve, lurve, luuuuuurve Bucky – such an endearing, non-cuddly psychokitty.

Busy Day, Then?

Well, half of one. We started cleaning out the basement (AKA “The Black Hole o’ Computers), which was getting to look too much like the “before” segment on shows like “Clean Sweep” or “The Life Laundry“.

And it’s a lot better, because before it was an utter tip, and now it just looks like… something less than an utter tip. But it’s better. We’ve thrown out (or are donating or selling) a lot of stuff we haven’t used in years. I’ll even be tossing out a big box full of home-made videos of favorite shows of the past… representing years of my life pre-David. Years of my sad, lonely, cat-owning, TV-obsessed years watching Highlander… so yes, I’m letting them go, because if I ever get the crying need to see them, I can get ’em on DVD now. Plus, I’ve got (I think) every episode of Earth2, and quite a few episodes of Space Precinct.

I know, I told you it was a sad and lonely life back then — but fulfilling in its way. And now I find fulfillment in chucking out dusty old boxes of books, painting walls, installing crappy DIY flooring, and blogging.

I swear, I’ve lived at least 5 or 6 totally different lives, and one of these days I’m going to count them all up.

Vote Notes

Yahoo! News – Dems see a rising star in Illinois Senate candidate

Barack Obama has got all kinds of people talking. My mom-in-law really likes him – she’s always really well informed about local politics so her opinion carries a lot of weight (and not just because she looks really cute wearing her “Anybody but Bush” pin at parties).

The weird thing is – I saw Obama, very briefly, on TV a few days before the primary, and thought “Whoa. Presidential.”

At least his credentials seem to back up the incredible image and charisma he seems to project – which is a huge relief.

And his admission of youthful dabbling with drugs? Not a problem. He’s admitted it, it’s in the past, and he uses it to illustrate an important point. It’s a lot more honest than “I didn’t inhale.”

I’d be proud to have this guy represent Illinois in the Senate. Bowtie in pocket and all.

Amazing Race 5 Real Soon?

Josh, of father and son team “Weezer and Geezer” (Amazing Race 4) reports hopeful news: the next installment may air on CBS soon after Survivor All Stars ends.

Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! Batten down the hatches! Buy many blank tapes! Forget doing anything that night other than parking on the sofa and hollering “Nooooo! Not that way, doofi!” at the TV (sorry, David, the madness begins again soon).

By the way, Josh’s site with his dad is fun to visit now and then, since it’s a dual entry blog. Chris n’ Amander’s (or Amander n’ Chris’) site is even funnier, because it includes a lot of candid photos from before they took off for the Race and their all-too-quick downfall in (shudder) Venice (Bomp!)

Damn you, ya scroddy Viennese Art Masks. Damn you.

Air America Radio?

Air America Radio’s website launch is supposedly this week. The schedule and roster have been posted, but there’s not much else at this site yet (and indeed, they still need a better domain).

It’s a very weird thing, but I’ve had over a hundred hits on variations on Al Franken’s name this month, up from a big whoppin’ 6 last month.

On the other hand, I’ve had 18 hits on what can only be described as fanfic from the fevered mind of Julia Child, if she were a hobbit: “orlando bloom and alton brown.” Whoever it is, they’re probably looking for this. Move down to Sunday, February 1, 2004.

Edited to add: Air America Radio’s domain was out there all along.