What About Bob????

The most comforting voice in morning radio,Bob Edwards is getting bounced as :NPR Host.

I’m really sad to hear this news, because Bob’s voice in the morning has been a familiar part of my morning routine for so long. I’ve been a regular listener of Morning Edition since at least the early 80’s. I have to date that kind of memory by where I was living at the time and whether or not I had a pet. Such are the vagaries of memory. But through it all, Bob Edwards’ voice on the clock radio was one of the few constants in my life then.

“Edwards said he was disappointed by the move, particularly that he won’t be host when the program celebrates its 25th anniversary in November.

“You have to figure it’s going to happen someday and you get out before they do it,” he said. “But I failed.”

I wouldn’t call it Bob’s failure, I do think they could have really waited to make this move until after the anniversary.

However, I’m relieved and disturbed about this next part:

“He said he was given no specific reasons for his ouster. “It’s the old `move the program in a new direction.’ There was no Janet Jackson incident,” he said.”

Ye cats! Please don’t paint that word picture for us, Bob! However, this now means you can show up on “Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me” more often.

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