Vote Notes

Yahoo! News – Dems see a rising star in Illinois Senate candidate

Barack Obama has got all kinds of people talking. My mom-in-law really likes him – she’s always really well informed about local politics so her opinion carries a lot of weight (and not just because she looks really cute wearing her “Anybody but Bush” pin at parties).

The weird thing is – I saw Obama, very briefly, on TV a few days before the primary, and thought “Whoa. Presidential.”

At least his credentials seem to back up the incredible image and charisma he seems to project – which is a huge relief.

And his admission of youthful dabbling with drugs? Not a problem. He’s admitted it, it’s in the past, and he uses it to illustrate an important point. It’s a lot more honest than “I didn’t inhale.”

I’d be proud to have this guy represent Illinois in the Senate. Bowtie in pocket and all.

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