Church Lady / Web Dominatrix

A typical Sunday at Holy Moly. We had a substitute priest, as Fr. Lundberg is on the beach in Florida somewhere.

Our choir party-piece went off all right (a simple round: “When Jesus Wept”), although I blew the last line of the third repeat. However, I was singing third voice (of four) so I doubt anybody but Scott, the Ineffable Bass, noticed. Bob the organist played a variation on “Hylfrydol” by Ralph Vaughn Williams for the postlude – that seemed to go off well. After the service, he asked me to look into getting a small amount budgeted so he can buy some new music. This was a revelation to me – I hadn’t realized that lack of fundage might be the reason why he never tried playing anything relatively new. Seems he’s just been playing whatever music the previous organist left behind. I’ll mention it in the next meeting and see if we can get him a little extra something for buying new music.

We had about 40 people today – normal for us (frustratingly so). On the other hand, on Monday and Tuesday the Search Committee is conducting phone interviews with several applicants, so maybe we’ll have a new vicar in a few months. Yay!

A chore I’ve been putting off for a while is done – the website has been updated somewhat. I struggled with Front Page (ach!! ssss!! It burns us!) and got Photoshop Elements to do what I wanted with some little image-links that I needed to sharpen up. Gee, it helps to RTFM – in this case, to read a helpful resource book. I have one for Elements, but haven’t cracked open the one for Front Page (the inevitable “For Dummies” book, of course).

And yeah, I was inwardly thinking about how to accomplish switching the church website over to MT while outwardly appearing to listen to the sermon. Bad me.

Just now, David got a simple calendar program set up that I can use to show who is scheduled when for things like acolytes and Altar Guild… I think it might work for what we need to do. I have to tinker with it for a while.

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