Ways to List Links (Not Popularity Contests)

In the past couple of days, I started fooling around with Bloglines – not to replace Blogrolling for keeping track of various sites I visit, but to make it easier to read more sites, more quickly.

I felt a bit of concern over the fact that I basically had two identical blogrolls – and wondered if I’d commit a horrible blogging fox paws by dumping the duplicate entries in the Blogrolling list without first making the Bloglines one public.

With me so far? Show of mice?

Anyway, there were a few daily-read blogs that weren’t available for some reason via Bloglines’ web-based aggregator (RSS feed not found, etc), so I’ll leave them on the Blogrolling list. Anything I can read (or at least preview) via Bloglines will be in various public folders in the sidebar. A shorter Blogroll list will be below them. So if you think I’ve dumped you from the list, fear not! I’m probably reading you in the aggregator, and I’m not sure if that sends a referral from my site to yours the way clicking on a blogroll link did.

And now, let the Great BlogRoll ReOrg begin. Apparently, I’m going bass-ackwards trend-wise, but that’s never stopped me before.

As an unexpected bonus, when I organized my public folders and added the link, they came over organized by folder name, which is darn handy (for me, since some of the folder names are arbitrary and silly, but I know what they mean, tra la la).

I’m on the outermost fringes of Orkut – I have, at last count, five (5) friends there. I’m trying to take the advice of others in the blogoverse (Accordion Guy today, and others in the last few days) and not assume that I’m still sitting at the equivalent of the “nerd kids” table in the online cafeteria.

It’s a totally legitimate concern – “blogging + emerging democracy” doesn’t play well with “blogging + soshes vs. nerds smackdown after 5th period!”

Is there an emerging democracy through weblogging? Who knows? If enough people think that there is, then there might be…

On a related and characteristically wooly-headed tangent, there is a concept called “the emerging church.” This isn’t strictly an Episcopal concept, it’s another one of those vague “post-modern” terms that means something new and undefined is happening, this time in churches rather than with blogging and self-published journal writing.

I’m curious to know what it is, but am probably not interested if it entails a lot of really bland, happy-clappy worship style. I like me some high-church smells and bells, remember.

I wonder – is “emerging” the buzzword of the decade? Emerging technologies, emerging democracy, emerging church… what if we had emerging tolerance, emerging Neo-Enlightenment, emerging consciousness. Oo-weee, sweet.

I’ll stop philosophizing now and go back to fooling with the blog.

Anyway, there were a few daily-read blogs that weren’t available for some reason via Bloglines’ web-based aggregator (RSS feed not found, etc), so I’ll leave them on the Blogrolling list. Anything I can read (or at least preview) via Bloglines will be in various public folders in the sidebar. A shorter Blogroll list will be below them. So if you think I’ve dumped you from the list, fear not! I’m probably reading you in the aggregator, and I’m not sure if that sends a referral from my site to yours the way clicking on a blogroll link did.

And now, let the Great BlogRoll ReOrg begin. Apparently, I’m going bass-ackwards trend-wise, but that’s never stopped me before.

As an unexpected bonus, when I organized my public folders and added the link, they came over organized by folder name, which is darn handy (for me, since some of the folder names are arbitrary and silly, but I know what they mean, tra la la).

I’m on the outermost fringes of Orkut – I have, at last count, five (5) friends there. I’m trying to take the advice of others in the blogoverse (Accordion Guy today, and others in the last few days) and not assume that I’m still sitting at the equivalent of the “nerd kids” table in the online cafeteria.

It’s a totally legitimate concern – “blogging + emerging democracy” doesn’t play well with “blogging + soshes vs. nerds smackdown after 5th period!”

Is there an emerging democracy through weblogging? Who knows? If enough people think that there is, then there might be…

On a related and characteristically wooly-headed tangent, there is a concept called “the emerging church.” This isn’t strictly an Episcopal concept, it’s another one of those vague “post-modern” terms that means something new and undefined is happening, this time in churches rather than with blogging and self-published journal writing.

I’m curious to know what it is, but am probably not interested if it entails a lot of really bland, happy-clappy worship style. I like me some high-church smells and bells, remember.

I wonder – is “emerging” the buzzword of the decade? Emerging technologies, emerging democracy, emerging church… what if we had emerging tolerance, emerging Neo-Enlightenment, emerging consciousness. Oo-weee, sweet.

I’ll stop philosophizing now and go back to fooling with the blog.

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