NYT Googled Again

Google’s at it again…

Search is Number Two Online Activity – Email is Number One; “Heck, Yeah,” Say Google Founders
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – April 1, 2004 UTC – Amidst rampant media speculation, Google Inc. today announced it is testing a preview release of Gmail – a free search-based webmail service with a storage capacity of up to eight billion bits of information, the equivalent of 500,000 pages of email. Per user.

The New York Times has it, so it must be true…

heck, yeah! Check that dateline, NYT?

Praying for Whirled Peas

Tonight there was a Taize’ service at Holy Moly, preceded by a simple potluck dinner that included soup, bread, and salads. I contributed an Asian salad thingy that turned out pretty well, and I’ll forget what I did (and what I could do better for the next time) if I don’t get it down. I took it in a large covered salad bowl, which worked out great for mixing, transporting AND serving.
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Blogon Poetry Slam!

In honor of the last day of March, it’s time for a little poetry. This seems to scan if sung to The Buggles’ “Video Killed the Radio Star

o franken factor on the internet !pleh !pleh,
airborne adventure wales, tarkett tap tight, porque?
westminster abbey photo newton s tomb, it snew

tricky woo… tricky woo…

rasa, computers picture room full of monkeys
newton s first law and marble maze, saltwaterchimp.
newton law falling apple animated gif

bucky katt, spork bucky katt

tricky woo, bucky katt monkeys?

harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken
harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken
show me yours and i ll show you mine, picture of a brain in love
tricky woo, bucky katt monkeys,
tricky woo darby.

ashcroft calico vanity fair, cnn
arcana faucet, baggins gamgee, l il pink sock.
ham ham heartbreak ta-da, anthony zerbe, soy vay

orlando bloom and alton brown
alton brown orlando bloom

B5, lord of the rings nazgul sound.
B5, lord of the rings nazgul sound
carrot tops are green einstein, red hair social anxiety
i have green carpet what color can i paint my walls
weird spam subject lines, mythbusters stunt devil

Sindarin calligraphy,
list of names in sindarin.

harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken
harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken
harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken
harris-tarkett tap tight, o franken

And so on. Lame, but weird enough to sing along if you’ve had enough beers. So drink up, the week’s half done.

Broadcast Views

I’ve enjoyed listening to Air America/Al Franken et. al. today… that is, when I can pull in a decent signal on my crappy AM radio upstairs, or when the streaming audio happens to be working, but for the most part it’s been fun listening to it (especially today, when they’ve had some high-powered guests lined up).

Most of the callers sound extremely surprised to find themselves on the air (and sound like they’re talk-radio call-in newbies). They’re not quite up to the calibre of, say, callers to :NPR’s “Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me.” Maybe it’ll improve.

On a quick survey, only a few of the stations listed seem to have current websites (and even fewer have their own feeds) and there seems to be a lot of interest today, so here goes:

KPOJ – Portland Oregon has a pretty elaborate setup for Air America – they use Liquid Compass streaming software. Sounds OK, could be better. Their page explains that local commercials have to be silenced, which accounts for the occasional 2-5 minute stretches of “dead air.” Ed Schulz (who?) seems to be on the air there, where Randi Rhodes is still on here in Chicago on the local radio station

KBLA – Los Angeles (doesn’t seem to have its own website)

WLIB – New York has its own site, but it’s very bizarre, full of required popups, and not updated since its format charge. There’s a listen live link (click on the boom box). The same feed is available (for now at least) via their feed provider Broadcast Urban.Net. Sound quality either way is poor (YMMV, I have pretty crappy speakers just now on this otherwise great flatscreen MAG monitor).

(whoa, I’m listening to Randi Rhodes (via WLIB’s feed) rake Ralph Nader over the coals, telling him we can’t afford him at this time (coming from the “need someone to beat Bush” point of view) and screaming at him… interesting interview tactic)

KCAA – Inland Empire (California). Their feed is here via Radio Destiny. They appear to only carry Al Franken’s own show.

WMNN – Have website, don’t have live feed.

Strangely, the “main” Internet feed of Air America Radio still seems to be the buggiest — it will suddenly stop in mid-sentence, forcing the listener to close the page completely and re-connect. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn’t, but it did help to download the latest Real Evil player. Sound quality is quite good.

So – can you hear it now? Any good? Totally crrrraaap? Isn’t it weird to hear left-center/liberal/Democrats being hardcases on the air? Even somewhat… entertaining and refreshing?

And it might even be good stuff, if Randi doesn’t quit cutting off callers by mistake. I’m looking forward to hearing Janeane Garofalo’s show, but I’ll be out tonight.

Radio, Radio

Well, the link is live at AirAmericaRadio.Com, but they’re apparently operating under radio silence. However, it requires RealPlayer (rats!1) and of course it’s nagging me to update my version of same.


And it’s NOT going to be the default player for anything.

So now after updating my apparently totally useless former version of Real Player, I can hear commercials, but no talk once they’re finished. This is probably not a good sign.

Somebody’s head will be rolling merrily along soon.

Edited to add:It seems to be working now. Okay. Maybe I’ll listen now and then at work… but I’ll have to think long and hard about whether I want to download the Real Evil Player.

O’Franken Further

Air America Radio goes live tomorrow at noon, according to their website – and they’ll be streaming audio, so I’ll be able to listen at work… but tomorrow I’m home, so I’ll give it a try and see if it’s awful, good, or awful good.

That is, if this crazy experiment to bring liberal/left of center views to talk radio takes off, eh? It’s certainly gotten plenty of press.

And if it doesn’t work, I’ll go on being one of 3 people in America that listens occasionally to “Le Show.” Although when we were in Utah, it was pledge week there for KCPW and a new listener mentioned that “Le Show” was her favorite… so that means 4 of us listen occasionally.

Be that as it may — good luck, Al. Break a… transmitter or something.

Playing Catchup

With limited ability to stay current with some of the blogs I read, I had to content myself with scanning headlines in Bloglines a time or two. But not all of the blogs I read have RSS feeds, and my connection was so slow using dialup at Mom’s house on the laptop that I just had to bide my time and wonder what people were doing.

For example, Ben Saunders is still on the ice.

A couple of new entries at “Learning Moveable Type” – thanks, Elise!

Clack is gloating over AOL’s new anti-spam tactic – raffle off the spammer’s swag! Hee, &etc., good one! Funny, when I was a volunteer on the “MailTeam” at AOL about 7 years ago, they didn’t give a damn about spam (and couldn’t tell me just what part of the headers the “mail controls” targeted for blocking unwanted email). Now AOL really gives a damn. I guess one beeeeelion junk emails per year (and growing) really messes with your systems and makes you want to actually do something about the problem, AOL… after ignoring member complaints back when you could have REALLY done something about spam.

There’s a lot of backblog to wade through – but now, sleep in my very own bed. With my very own hubby.

Jiggity Jog

So we’re home again. It’s been a hella fine weekend, but it’s nice to be back in our own house, and a few hours from now, we’ll sleep in our own bed. The thought fills me with contentment. Of course, the fact that I don’t have to go to work until Monday is probably part of this feeling.

After learning the harsh lesson of our outbound trip, we made tracks to the airport early and had no problems at all. It truly was “Easy Check-In.” Won’t check in less than 90 minutes prior to departure again, ever. Nope.

Joy of joys, a lady with a noisy fussy baby sat next to me, but fortunately (eep) she breast-fed it under a blanket most of the first hour (eeeeesh!) and it was quiet except for when it kicked me (eeeee-yaaaaargh). However, David had bought earplugs, so those helped me just tune everything out (aaaaaah).

The rest of the time post-party was a dizzying whirl of going to dinner with family (Raeanne and her funny progeny, Collin and Paige) or driving around in the mountains taking pictures before going to dinner with more family (Tudy hosted a leftovers party at her place last night). Also, we bought Mom a cordless phone and showed her how to use it – now she can trot around in the yard gardening and not have to drop trowel (heh) and rush into the house to answer the phone.
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The Day After

The party last night… what a good time was had by all! It turned out that most of my cousins (of mine and the next younger generation) were there in addition to a bunch of my niece Sydnee’s friends and in-laws. The food was fabulous – Syd’s husband Eric is fond of Indian food so there were a lot of interesting items to choose from.

The house was amazing – stuck up on the mountainside with a creek roaring down a little gully alongside, with several decks and great views of the valley through tall pine trees (kind of a rarity in that part of the valley, they must have been planted in the 60’s to be so big). It was great hanging out with so many family members; the memories were coming thick and fast in my head, since in my childhood (especially before my dad and my mom’s brother Charlie died) there were a lot more times we got together, and all the cousins and I were kids, so we’d play together while the adults partied. This party was decidedly upscale and “done right,” and there were snacks and beverages available in every major room and on the decks, too. It was a cold night with occasional rain or hail coming down so we couldn’t spend much time outside, but for a while it was very nice to stand on the covered deck on the lower level, drink a beer, and watch the hail “ping!” off of an abstract metal hanging sculpture. It was a nice place to hang out and escape all the crowds.
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