Oh, man, that was a good dinner last night. We met Steve and friends Chris and Susan to celebrate Steve’s birthday at Sabor! in Schaumburg. It’s described (a little over-enthusiastically by the waiter) as Nuevo Latino, which he chose to pronounce “New-Wavo” Latino. That’s a minor lapse on his part; he’s right to let his enthusiasm for the food run away with him, because the appetizers and entrees we chose with his help and advice totally rocked our worlds. A final note – Sabor’s decor is interesting and modern, yet comfortable. If you’re a non-smoker, request seats at the back…
It’s Steve’s birthday today! Three years ago we were in Maui with Steve and 5 other friends! Boy, do we wish we were there again. Boy, do we wish we were there again.
For some reason the UPS (uninterruptible power source? universal power sucker? The whatsit that sits on the floor) has been making a lot of funny noises lately – just now it started clacking and beeping almost constantly. Actually, we have two (one of them I think may be connected to the TiVo… heh heh) and they’ve both been acting beepish and clackish. I don’t know if it’s worth waking Da Hub up over (he’s already asleep). If he becomes partly conscious when I go up, I’ll tell him. It’s never a good thing to wake a technically-minded husband out of…
I always cry at weddings, but this one makes me especially blubby and happy: Who could look at them and say that’s not true love??? 51 years?? I was a little verklemmt (spelling??) when I read the original news story just now (via the Salty Vicar’s site), but got seriously teary when I realized that someone farther up the line had saved the image as “true-love.” Aww! I really, really, really “heart” San Francisco. I feel like sending flowers to the workers at City Hall. But I bet others already have. As of a few minutes ago, the weddings continue…
Sparky : The Sgt Siler Fanlisting Heh – after the Stargate episode “Heroes part 1” our intrepid Sgt Siler just might have himself a new nickname: either “Smoky the Sargeant” or “Little Guy.” Interesting fact: actor Dan Shea is also stunt coordinator for SG-1 – this makes perfect sense given the large number of on-camera stunts he’s done for the show. Must check out “thefanlistings.org” later, too.
You know, I left the house this morning, really late. As a choir member, I’m supposed to be there, suited up in my penguin duds and ready to go about 15 minutes to 10am. This fact is unchanging except for Summer Time, when we meet earlier and the other parish we’re yoked with meets later, since they have some kind of air conditioning and we don’t. For some reason, I choose to forget this fact every week until about 940am or later, and have to rush around finding socks and purse and choosing something to wear that won’t make other…
Got a lot done today – actually, David got a lot more done than I did, but I did get some tidying done, David did some vacuuming (we lead such glamorous lives). Valentine’s cards were exchanged this morning – David got a new owner’s manual for his body. I tried to find an O’Reilly book on tantric seqs, but they seem not to have that title yet. There are no helpful pictures, but he says the “tips and tricks” sections are similar to other manuals he has. Heh. And yes, there was much incessant goofing around with the blog today,…
Happy End of Friday The 13th! There’s a new England journal entry now posted under the September archives. All that and we’ve barely gotten out of the Cotwolds and on our way to Oxford before going on to York. That’ll be a longish entry, but the one after that was a week’s backlog of the whole Scottish leg of the trip. One great big long entry with lots of photos…oy. Scottish leg. Stop thinking about kilts, dammit. Time for bed.
So I wondered if anyone had done a “life cycles of blogging” or “stages of a blog”, and there’s at least the beginnings of one: Joi Ito quoted Ernie the Attorney who quoteed then-new blogger Steve Covell… about the stages of a blog: 1) There must be something to blogs because so many people are into it, but I don’t have a clue. 2) OK, it does seem kind of cool and there is much, much more to it than I expected. I just don’t see any really practical applications. 3) Oh my God, the things I can do with…
Some interesting stuff may come of this blog – it covers the upcoming science convention in Seattle (and it’s in my old stomping grounds, so in it goes: The Seattle Times: Scientists in Seattle