I always cry at weddings, but this one makes me especially blubby and happy:
Who could look at them and say that’s not true love??? 51 years??
I was a little verklemmt (spelling??) when I read the original news story just now (via the Salty Vicar’s site), but got seriously teary when I realized that someone farther up the line had saved the image as “true-love.” Aww!
I really, really, really “heart” San Francisco. I feel like sending flowers to the workers at City Hall. But I bet others already have.
As of a few minutes ago, the weddings continue tomorrow, barring a successful injuction filing by one of various “pro-family” groups (as in “pro-straight-families-only-mommy-daddy-+2.3 kids-nothing-else-counts-and-you’ll-rot-in-hell-for-thinking-they-do” groups)