My Life As A Dinosaur: The Meteor Is Slowly Approaching

:NPR : Traditional Travel Agents Seek to Compete with Net

Compete? He makes it sound like we’re destined for a museum, with little labels in Latin marking us out by subspecies, translated as in “Corporate Agent, var. SABRE2th Tigress.”

So far, I’m one of those niche people, but who knows for how long? And sometime next year, the travel interface will be all point and click, and my mad SABRE booking skillz will be about as useful as a velociraptor’s toenail in a display case.

Audio only – with perhaps a text transcript in 7 days.

Paul Carver Baker, January 16, 1968

My mother and my godmother Veda walked into the house on a cold January night 36 years ago. Another aunt on my mom’s side, Lucy, was also there.

They had been taking turns keeping watch with Mom at the hospital for almost two weeks, after an aortic aneurysm dropped my dad like a bale of old newspapers at the bottom of the stairs.

Extra, extra, read all about it.

In a coma after a risky and then-experimental aortic bypass, he had shown signs of awakening. But then the hospital called with that dreaded “please send someone as soon as possible to be with Mrs. Baker” call.

And so the women on both sides of the family gathered. Lucy went to the hospital. Pop’s maiden-aunt sister stayed with me.

“He’s gone,” Veda said.

Extra, extra

I was standing at the sink with Nibby. The news broke over us like a wave.

Her brother was gone, my father was gone, a husband was gone, a brother-in-law was gone, a longtime friend was gone. Gone.

A clump of grief formed in the kitchen, and we all got stuck in it for a long, long time. Some time later, I came back to myself and realized I had been wiping my tears, and theirs, with a dirty dishcloth.

It’s a very odd sensation, chuckling sadly while crying, but we all agreed that Pop would think… would have thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Read all about it.

“This train terminates at the next station. All change, please.”
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This Blog Is Well Named – It’s Sucking. Sorry.

Okay, that’s day TWO of incessant color switching.

I’m sorry.

I really couldn’t be sorrier.

If you were attempting to read this mess today or yesterday, it was, well, a mess. But it’s not as chaotically messy and colorific now, and it IS back to the same incoherent and inconsequential level of writing as before.

I await your golf claps.
We all have to start somewhere. Somewhere in the crapper.
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And We’re Working, We’re Working

It’s a glamorous world in the travel biz. So far today a gentleman yelled at one of the agents here because his flight was cancelled due to weather. He apparently expected her to re-open the flight, de-ice all the equipment, and clear the runways for him, personally… a rather Godlike task, and unlikely to be accomplished anytime this milennium.

What’s going on in my corner of the globe today? Let’s go see:
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We Apologize for the Inconvenience

The links to books and music on Amazon are not working right – they’re floating the book/CD cover image with the title and price, but the link to their page on Amazon is busted.

It’ll be fixed tonight after work.



Edited to add: Holy crap, I fixed them. Today’s date: May 29th

!pleH !pleH

I am such a newbie.

It’s taken me four hours of fussing just to change a few colors around… and now that it’s done, it bears a strong resemblance to one of the color schemes I use on my work computer.

Back when I was just an AOL nerd and I’d be cracking on typing and cutting and pasting, I’d occasionally get this humorous error when Windows 3.0 and AOL… um… 3? 4? didn’t play well. I’d copy text, get set to paste in an IM, and nothing would appear in the target window except a forlorn little “pleH.”

I think I need the pleH of my husband giving me a back rub and maybe a nice cup of herbal tea before falling into bed.

Unfortunately, I think I’m going to be seeing color – a LOT of color, in my dreams tonight. That is, if I sleep at all.

Maybe I’ll finally finish reading the Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self, by Claire Tomalin biography I stalled out on… I know how it ends, so I haven’t been that anxious to get there. 😉
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The O’Franken Factor

Liberal talk network lands Chicago outlet

Heh. This brought an Evil Chuckle to my lips:

“Franken, who has established himself as one of the country’s leading conservative-bashers, said: “My first priority is to get sued by a right-wing jerk in order to generate interest in my new show, ‘The O’Franken Factor.’ Our hope is to do drug-free talk radio, although I understand it’s never been done.

:(I don’t know WHAT he means. Or who. Nope.)

“Quite simply, my plan is to alter the political landscape, drive this radical right-wing president from office and stand as a beacon for ordinary Americans who work hard and play by the rules. Short of that, I’d just like to get on in Albany,” he said.

“Network” suits with Progress Media were formerly with AOL and XM Satellite Radio. Hmm.

Please let there be an Internet feed of this station once Al’s show starts.

That is, once they buy WNTD-AM, switch formats, and Al’s show starts. Might be interesting to listen for the changeover.

Oh please oh please oh please oh please.

But here’s something – Harry’s Shearer’s Le Show has all their stuff online, I can listen to that at work for now. D’oh. I should have checked for that long ago. I keep forgetting to tune in the night it airs here in Chicagoland.

Edited to add:
Rats. Real Player doesn’t play nice with the work setup. Rats. Rats.

All Things Blog

Playing Now: Kodo: Mondo Head

Oh, this is very cool – Jemima’s blog demos, including Moveable Color

OOoooh. Pretty colors. I’m hoping to get some sort of 3 column action going with a sideblog on the left…with the bookshelf/CD collection (maybe with different categories for same).


Another Cool Discovery (Old News for the Old Hands, I Know)
What’s this Lorem Ipsum stuff?

I… I love this. This is way cooler than I could ever have imagined.